Rocket 3 Belt Buckles

#1 Hanso, Skip had nothing to do with my "still got your box here" comment.....I was just trying to help skip wrap up the buckle delivery when I found the little square box among Skip shambles...... I felt bad watching you guys"whine" over the buckle delivery and just thought i'd let you know what happened......

When I told him what I done he said "shoot! Hans anit gonna believe that, in fact he'll think I put you up to it" then explained y'alls little thing that's been passed back and forth and said Nolton finally got u!!

Shortly thereafter he made a b-line for the post office, and told me yall never believe me and you'd think I was yanking your chain and he was still gonna blame customs for the delay!

So okay believe the man if you wanna, I'm cool with that......hurt a little but what can I say I'm a woman in a man's world, so if I can't handle it I guess I need to tuff'n up or get some yonder huh?
Sniff... :'(

<3 Dustyrose <3 (via Android App Tapatalk)
I think he has taken his bat and ball and gone home, that or Amanda has him ocupied oh well I guess I should think about going to bed myself
I think he has taken his bat and ball and gone home, that or Amanda has him ocupied oh well I guess I should think about going to bed myself

Well let's hope he didn't get upset and just "took his toy's and went home!!"
Hey I don't want to hurt your feeling's and don't want ya to toughten up either, i'll just have to give you an bigger hug when I see you now
Men have thick skulls =D

Hey I don't want to hurt your feeling's and don't want ya to toughten up either, i'll just have to give you an bigger hug when I see you now

Hey I'm as soft as a ripe banana, with a armadillo shell, not to mention feathers like a duck

Takes a lot to get this ol gal down besides I tend to be more than a little hard headed...

Sooo.....I'll take your hug........:bch:

then I give you a bigggggggg

I told you so
Appreciate you guys letting me know,
I'll get your names off the list.
Glad you like them.
They did turn out pretty good didn't they?
thanks again,
Let's just say I had an offer I couldn't refuse. In any case, couldn't expect to keep up for long. Morning all.