Rocket 3 Belt Buckles

#1 Hanso, Skip had nothing to do with my "still got your box here" comment.....I was just trying to help skip wrap up the buckle delivery when I found the little square box among Skip shambles...... I felt bad watching you guys"whine" ;) over the buckle delivery and just thought i'd let you know what happened......

When I told him what I done he said "shoot! Hans anit gonna believe that, in fact he'll think I put you up to it" then explained y'alls little thing that's been passed back and forth and said Nolton finally got u!!

Shortly thereafter he made a b-line for the post office, and told me yall never believe me and you'd think I was yanking your chain and he was still gonna blame customs for the delay!

So okay believe the man if you wanna, I'm cool with that......hurt a little but what can I say I'm a woman in a man's world, so if I can't handle it I guess I need to tuff'n up or get some yonder huh?
Sniff... :'(

<3 Dustyrose <3 (via Android App Tapatalk)
U guys crack me up! LOL
Reminds me of the day I hit 100 or something like that on the .com site mainly in my introduce yourself thread, I got the feeling they were thing to tell me I talk it in this case write too much!

<3 Dustyrose <3 (via Android App Tapatalk)
I think he has taken his bat and ball and gone home, that or Amanda has him ocupied oh well I guess I should think about going to bed myself:rolleyes:
U guys crack me up! LOL
Reminds me of the day I hit 100 or something like that on the .com site mainly in my introduce yourself thread, I got the feeling they were trying to tell me I talk it in this case write too much! But it was sure nice to not be a "pizza boy" anymore considering I'm a girl lol

OMW! I attempted to edit my post like Cap. Rich told me and ill be darned if my fat fingers didn't trick me again!! LOL I crack me up!
I think he has taken his bat and ball and gone home, that or Amanda has him ocupied oh well I guess I should think about going to bed myself:rolleyes:

Well let's hope he didn't get upset and just "took his toy's and went home!!" ;)
#1 Hanso, Skip had nothing to do with my "still got your box here" comment.....I was just trying to help skip wrap up the buckle delivery when I found the little square box among Skip shambles...... I felt bad watching you guys"whine" ;) over the buckle delivery and just thought i'd let you know what happened......

When I told him what I done he said "shoot! Hans anit gonna believe that, in fact he'll think I put you up to it" then explained y'alls little thing that's been passed back and forth and said Nolton finally got u!!

Shortly thereafter he made a b-line for the post office, and told me yall never believe me and you'd think I was yanking your chain and he was still gonna blame customs for the delay!

So okay believe the man if you wanna, I'm cool with that......hurt a little but what can I say I'm a woman in a man's world, so if I can't handle it I guess I need to tuff'n up or get some yonder huh?
Sniff... :'(

<3 Dustyrose <3 (via Android App Tapatalk)
Hey I don't want to hurt your feeling's and don't want ya to toughten up either, i'll just have to give you an bigger hug when I see you now
Men have thick skulls =D

Hey I don't want to hurt your feeling's and don't want ya to toughten up either, i'll just have to give you an bigger hug when I see you now

Hey I'm as soft as a ripe banana, with a armadillo shell, not to mention feathers like a duck ;)

Takes a lot to get this ol gal down :D besides I tend to be more than a little hard headed...

Sooo.....I'll take your hug........:bch:

then I give you a bigggggggg

I told you so :roll: