Roadster transmission problems sorted.... My a***!

Are you sure you didn't make this whole story up for the Mrs because you really wanted the Diavel all along? kidding, My 06 R3s sounded like a sledgehammer hitting an anvil every time I shifted into 2nd gear. Engine purred, sweetest **** bike ever but the 3k trans repair on a bike valued at $6K was all the excuse I needed to jump ship. I hear riceburners running and some sound quiet and tight others sound like a sack of marbles ready to spew parts everywhere. Leaving Triumph for Ducati reliability sounds kinda silly to me when modern engineering has left most problems,like Art already stated, to human error. Triumph was going out of their way for customers and there's many cases of out of warranty service done by Triumph til I believe people took advantage, example The R3 update kit was available to R3 owners for about 10% the retail value til we started taking advantage and stockpiling. I've never seen a diavel owner without a big bug eating grin on their faces so here's to better luck on your next bike.
Can you post pics of these please? I think it would be useful for the community to see the deterioration .......
when I get mine fixed I will post the worn out parts, cause it is from the tranny somewhere between 4th and 5th
Hi Thanks for getting back.

Bike is regularly serviced with the right oils. It has ramiar but that is the only mod. I ride it failry hard but have done the same with Ducatis for 15 years with no major issues so i guess I know how to change gear etc. No wheelies or burn outs crap.

Coming up to a roundabout in traffic about 20 mph, opened up throttle to keep pace and there was a sudden clunk from (it felt like) the back axle. Felt almost like "chain slip" on a conventional bike. Further investigation revealed it was happening in all gears. Even in top if you applied 10 deg of throttle it would occur but backing it off to keep stress off the transmission it got me home.

There is no associated grating or rattling in the box on tickover or when moving. Sounds as smooth as the day i bought it and the back axle oil is free from "bits". It is only under load that the clunk and slip happens. It has been suggested that it is the gearbox output bearing?

Any thoughts welcome
ILL bet your dealer never removed the rear and lubed the driveshaft splines with the proper lube
ive just had the same thing happen to my 2010 85ks my brothers 2014 done the same thing @76 ks suprizingly triumph had an upgrade gear kit available at a cost then produced an upga]raded shimm kit aswell also @ a cost
thinking its strange that they admit no fault yet have the aftermarket kits avaialble **** really eh
The repair bill for the gearbox $4500 nzd that was with the hardened gears but not the shim kit, factory hr recomendation was 32hrs , thinkn we may be getting abit over this **** from triumph?
ive just had the same thing happen to my 2010 85ks my brothers 2014 done the same thing @76 ks suprizingly triumph had an upgrade gear kit available at a cost then produced an upga]raded shimm kit aswell also @ a cost
thinking its strange that they admit no fault yet have the aftermarket kits avaialble **** really eh
The repair bill for the gearbox $4500 nzd that was with the hardened gears but not the shim kit, factory hr recomendation was 32hrs , thinkn we may be getting abit over this **** from triumph?
Hello mate!

Yes! 1700 quid poorer and major gearbox repair using genuine Triumph gearbox bits ( made in Japan!!!!!! Where are hey seem to know how to make parts fit for purpose!!!) and the bike is probably a lot better than when it left the factory! My specialist laughed and reckons Rocket 3 boxes made of cheese!! A triumph dealer admitted loads of low mileage 2011 and 12's coming in for box rebuilds...... Triumph quoting 2.5k to fix.

extremely pissed about this and no support from Triumph who are in denial!
Are you sure you didn't make this whole story up for the Mrs because you really wanted the Diavel all along? kidding, My 06 R3s sounded like a sledgehammer hitting an anvil every time I shifted into 2nd gear. Engine purred, sweetest **** bike ever but the 3k trans repair on a bike valued at $6K was all the excuse I needed to jump ship. I hear riceburners running and some sound quiet and tight others sound like a sack of marbles ready to spew parts everywhere. Leaving Triumph for Ducati reliability sounds kinda silly to me when modern engineering has left most problems,like Art already stated, to human error. Triumph was going out of their way for customers and there's many cases of out of warranty service done by Triumph til I believe people took advantage, example The R3 update kit was available to R3 owners for about 10% the retail value til we started taking advantage and stockpiling. I've never seen a diavel owner without a big bug eating grin on their faces so here's to better luck on your next bike.
Hello mate!

Yes! 1700 quid poorer and major gearbox repair using genuine Triumph gearbox bits ( made in Japan!!!!!! Where are hey seem to know how to make parts fit for purpose!!!) and the bike is probably a lot better than when it left the factory! My specialist laughed and reckons Rocket 3 boxes made of cheese!! A triumph dealer admitted loads of low mileage 2011 and 12's coming in for box rebuilds...... Triumph quoting 2.5k to fix.

extremely pissed about this and no support from Triumph who are in denial!
SOUNDS strange lets see some pics of these parts that your specialist says are made of cheese as we have run over 500 horsepower through the stock drive train with 137 Dyno runs and no failure thats some GOOD CHEESE
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