Roadster transmission problems sorted.... My a***!

To be fair 137 dyno pulls is about 13 minutes of use.
AND thats full throttle reving to 10,000 rpm under full load for 13 minutes to test reliability for the long runs at the salt flats and making over 500 HP thats 4 times that of a stock rocket TO BE FAIR Id say thats a MFICN tough drive train
So, I am more impressed now we get more of the story, not just a dyno run really is it :). Revving it to 10K will spread the load as well,as I am sure you are aware. Is the Trans completely stock?Or carefully set up and undercut etc? As to motherfuc$ing tough,???? I believe the gears themselves are robust, but there is certainly some issues, whether it is quality control or assembly. There has been enough issues with stock 125Hp bikes to bear that out. I have found, on the few gearboxes I have done that the shimming/set up leaves a bit to be desired.
SOUNDS strange lets see some pics of these parts that your specialist says are made of cheese as we have run over 500 horsepower through the stock drive train with 137 Dyno runs and no failure thats some GOOD CHEESE[/QUOTE

I would have thought after about 10 dyno runs you would have got it right?
So, I am more impressed now we get more of the story, not just a dyno run really is it :). Revving it to 10K will spread the load as well,as I am sure you are aware. Is the Trans completely stock?Or carefully set up and undercut etc? As to motherfuc$ing tough,???? I believe the gears themselves are robust, but there is certainly some issues, whether it is quality control or assembly. There has been enough issues with stock 125Hp bikes to bear that out. I have found, on the few gearboxes I have done that the shimming/set up leaves a bit to be desired.
The trans is stock and we are running a stock Metz rear tire that was on the bike and stronger clutch springs this bike is test mule and we make 20 second pulls at full throttle under full load So more than 13 minutes more like 45 minutes at wot. But that doesnt mean you cant frick something up with bad driving habits and poor maintainence etc. etc.
I wish!!! She' s had to don the fishnets to pay for the repairs!! Hi
SOUNDS strange lets see some pics of these parts that your specialist says are made of cheese as we have run over 500 horsepower through the stock drive train with 137 Dyno runs and no failure thats some GOOD CHEESE
SOUNDS strange lets see some pics of these parts that your specialist says are made of cheese as we have run over 500 horsepower through the stock drive train with 137 Dyno runs and no failure thats some GOOD CHEESE

I'll get some pics sent to you for ref. Does the owner of the 500 HP bike actually ride it or just show it off? I guess if yone had 500 Hp and Pootle around at 50 all day there would be no stress on the bike. The Triumph guys reckon it can happen with bikes that are ridden hard and bikes that are not. The lack of undercutting could have something to do with it and on mine you can see rounding of the dogs which presumably lead to the slipping feeling!

Re other comments suggesting bad riding style - I have been riding bikes for 20 years and have to say this is the first time this has ever happened. I guess by now I know what the left lever is for and when best to use it in combination with the gear shift!
I am obviosly a "Dufas" (dont exactly know what that is but it sounds complementary) . I am having it investigated further and will keep you posted. I hope you are right....... for my sake! thanks for the ray of hope!

Urban Dictionary: doofus

IFT was not insinuating that you are a doofus, just that any run-of-the-mill doofus can bollox up their bike without any undue effort, DrG.:banghead: