Roadster transmission problems sorted.... My a***!

Dr G

.020 Over
Nov 27, 2015
I am now the proud owner of a 2011 (2012 "updated model") with a shot gearbox; an estimate for 2500 repair bill and not a hint of support from Triumph. The dealer tells me they are very powerful and it all has to go through a bike gearbox so you need to ride them like a cruiser....... What price the u tube wheelie vid then? The vid intro has lots of warnings re riding the bike and not doing wheelies etc. Perhaps they should also give a warning that the bike is intrinsically unable to handle the power they have now given it.

Next steps? Scrap it or fix it and get rid. My first Triumph and most definitely my last. And all with just 13k miles on the clock. Disgraceful
So the oringinal owner trash it. Sorry to hear it got pushed off on you. I would not blame the maker I have 243 hp on my slow 2007 rocket and have not scrapped tbe transmission yet. Still I feel for you as you got screwed by who ever sold it to you.
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That total BS from the dealer, plenty of R3's getting around with loads more power than factory including mine and no gearbox issues. For my 2 cents I would say transmission failures are a combination of one or all of the following:
Wrong or poor quality oil
Factory build issue
And Abuse
The oil I use gets changed at every 5000klms (Motul 7100)
Edit: Sorry I use Motul 300V
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thats what the dealer tells u.

what is the symptoms? just for the hell of it. let the guys tell u if it is bad.:)
I agree as I have seen dealers want to pull and split the engine when it was a 12 dollar detent spring behind the clutch basket. So let us know what she is doing.
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Sorry to hear about your transmission woes @Dr G . Like others have said, let's hear the symptoms first before you make any hasty decisions. While some of the earlier problems have been addressed in the Roadster gearbox, unfortunately it doesn't seem to be flawless. Over the past few months, at least @Claviger, @AnungUnRama and I have had to go through a full transmission rebuild, and I recall @albertaduke is planning to have his repaired over the winter. Hopefully the problem you're having is less severe and doesn't require splitting the cases.
I am now the proud owner of a 2011 (2012 "updated model") with a shot gearbox; an estimate for 2500 repair bill and not a hint of support from Triumph. The dealer tells me they are very powerful and it all has to go through a bike gearbox so you need to ride them like a cruiser....... What price the u tube wheelie vid then? The vid intro has lots of warnings re riding the bike and not doing wheelies etc. Perhaps they should also give a warning that the bike is intrinsically unable to handle the power they have now given it.

Next steps? Scrap it or fix it and get rid. My first Triumph and most definitely my last. And all with just 13k miles on the clock. Disgraceful
WELL I can tell you we just made 130 some DYNO runs with a 500+HP TURBO ROCKET with a stock drive line with only stronger clutch springs to prevent slippage and no failure amazing BUT that doesnt mean you cant frick it up if your a dufas so before you jump to conclusions checks things out first it might only be a $5 detent spring like the boys said
WELL I can tell you we just made 130 some DYNO runs with a 500+HP TURBO ROCKET with a stock drive line with only stronger clutch springs to prevent slippage and no failure amazing BUT that doesnt mean you cant frick it up if your a dufas so before you jump to conclusions checks things out first it might only be a $5 detent spring like the boys said

here is my question to you since you definitively know more about roadster in general than poor me '
I have a 2013 roadster with now about 18 000miles I bought it used from a private party when it had about 7000 miles last year . sold to me due to financial woes from the seller who had to pay the loan .

bike ran just right in stock form in that fall I then had the neville lush kit installed with jardine pipes and ramair .showing 188hp after a dyno tune .
when I returned from a long trip ( 7000 miles) this summer the symptoms were as follow in fourth and fith gear when loading the engine ( like riding uphill) from 2500 rpms on I could feel a very intermittent metallic slapping for lack of better words in the footpegs it seemed obvious that it would come from the engine core the higher the rpms the more frequent the metallic slapping occurred but not in synch with rpms . I have never abused that motor fact I hardly ever go beyond 4500 rpms and I never dropped clutch with high rpms
this detent spring problem you mentioned .. could it cause these symptoms I mentioned above , because if so I can save much money from opening the gearbox and changing parts like shifting fork or gears , or something else . my gut feeling is a problem in the gearbox but I'd love to be wrong on this one
Hi Thanks for getting back to me.

I am absolutely no expert. My symptoms were similar and it happened whilst i was in traffic coming up to a roundabout. It felt like"chainslip" under load. I nursed it home OK keeping the throttle to about 5% max. Even in top if you applied throttle I felt a clunk in the back axle area (NB I changed the oil on my return and no metal bits in it) and this "chain slip" feeling. I initially feared that (impossibly) the back wheel was coming unmeshed with the drive in the axle. Speaking to a local afficionado he thought it was the gearbox back bearing allowing movement at the start of the prop shaft which allows it to unmesh with the gearbox final drive although Triumph dealer reckons it was only a 4th gear problem (which it was definitely not) after a 2 minute test drive.

I have to admit I do ride the bike hard but it has a rev limiter which is surely there to ration the power to the limits of the bikes transmission and the adverts say that the drive train has been beefed up to take the extra torque.

I am having the bike placed on a rolling road with (not the dealer) a trusted race mechanic trying to get to the root of the problem. Will keep you posted.
WELL I can tell you we just made 130 some DYNO runs with a 500+HP TURBO ROCKET with a stock drive line with only stronger clutch springs to prevent slippage and no failure amazing BUT that doesnt mean you cant frick it up if your a dufas so before you jump to conclusions checks things out first it might only be a $5 detent spring like the boys said
I am obviosly a "Dufas" (dont exactly know what that is but it sounds complementary) . I am having it investigated further and will keep you posted. I hope you are right....... for my sake! thanks for the ray of hope!