Roadster transmission problems sorted.... My a***!

Detent spring can be check thru the water pump hole in the front cover with a cheap harbor freight scope. Of course you have to drain the oil and coolant to pull the water pump. But that is easierthen pulling the radiator and front off the engine.

The above picture was taken with a scope thru the water pump hole as mentioned above.

Then if it is broke you can continue taking her apart. In my opinion if it feels like your catching two gears say like third and fourth you probably bent one or more of the shift forks and she is not completely out of third before fourth is engaged going up. If you coming down I would have to look at whats in play unless its coming down from fourth to third. It could also be a snap ring has popped loose letting say fith slide into fourth while your shifting. I will have to make some time and see if I put any pictures on the tech site. It would be nice to find the vidoe I seen a week or so ago of Bones old engine going thru the motions via motorized drill. Then you can see whats happening in real life.

Back to work beer has evaporated :)
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Ok - If under load I would say possible FINAL DRIVE SPLINES or something going on with your clutch
Putting it on a dyno or rolling road is a great idea.
Q: Have the drive splines ever been lubed with molly grease?
YES make sure the dealer removed your rear and lubed the drive shaft splines not just the wheel splines
the nice thing about this site is that u receive a lot of suggestions.
so i will give u one more thing to check out. just my opinion i think i read that it only had about 13000 mile on the bike if so i don't think that few miles would wear out the splines even if it had no grease at all. u mention that u had a tire change. was the problem there before the tire change. there has been a few rockets with broken rear wheels at the bearings. one of the possibilities is wheels broken when tires changed. your mechanic can run it in the air to see if he can get it to do the prob. good luck keep us posted. hth
Speakinv of lubing the drive shaft splines from what I have seen triumph changed the grease the use to something blueish in color and any newer bike pictures I have seen look a lot better. I am not sure what they are using now. But since we can no longer buy the honda moly lube and not everyone can get a hold of Dow cornings Molykote I have found this and will be looking at it to see if it is a viable substitute.
i use L-427 super blu from kendall. it is dark blue and have been using it on u joints for a couple of decades with out problems. used it on the rocket last couple of tire changes seems ok. says extreme pressure lithium complex for automotive and industrial use FOR WHAT ITS WORTH IT HAS NLGI #2 AND NLGI GC-LB some one with more knowledge might give there opinion. the grease comes in a one pound can can not remember what it cost.
WELL I can tell you we just made 130 some DYNO runs with a 500+HP TURBO ROCKET with a stock drive line with only stronger clutch springs to prevent slippage and no failure amazing BUT that doesnt mean you cant frick it up if your a dufas so before you jump to conclusions checks things out first it might only be a $5 detent spring like the boys said
Hey Art, if you don't mind me asking what springs do you guys use in that beast? I redid my clutch with MTC fibers, springs and even their billet basket but the clutch still slips sometimes. Thanks.