Roadster Price Tag

p.s. I don't need power. I don't usually even start my T-Bird. I just put it in neutral, throw a rope around Scot in Exile's back rest and let him tow me everywhere. That way he uses his gas and I get to kick back and wave at all the wimmins who are dying to catch a glimpse at my chiseled jaw, perfectly sculpted arms and legs, abs of steel and a rock hard ass.
The Tbird I was looking at was the 1700. By the time I got through with the engine, like I did with my Bonnie, it would have been more. Opted for the Roadster with way more power, and no mistaking it for a Triumph.

And no mistaking it for a Triumph, how many times has someone came up to you and asked what type of bike it is? The TB with the famous Triumph twin looks more triumph to me than the butttt ugggly Rocket.
I bought my Rocket June2005 it was ugly then and it is still ugly to this day
Yeah, but it's a lovable ugly. Must be true about Daryl's "tow ride" you didn't say anything in rebuttal. I just think you like people to see you pulling around a guy while he gets to kick back and wave at all the wimmins who are dying to catch a glimpse at his chiseled jaw, perfectly sculpted arms and legs, abs of steel and a rock hard ass.


85 dtg Dubai
86 dtg Home
ok i have the 2008 rocket classic love it. could use louder pipes and less chrome but my question is because i haven't gone to see the roadster yet or tested one. how is the ride posision and all out feel compared to the classic. if it wasn't for my wrist reconstruction i'm missing the ride for the last month but soon will be back on hopefully. just from the write up on it i like it but what do you guys think.
The problem appears to be that a lot of Triumph dealers (mine, D&D in Pensacola as well) have not received theirs yet. Sitting on it is one thing in the showroom if your dealer is lucky enough to have one and not have sold it yet. But to actually take one out for a demo ride may be something else altogether. Usually the dealer gets one from Triumph that is designated for "demo" use only, which can only be sold after it has a 1,000 miles or so on it. Then you may get a "demo" discount, but that is about the only way you may have of finding out if the seat and ergonomics of the bike is for you and be able to ride it. Of course then you may want one but if that 1,000 miles isn't may have to wait till the next one comes to the dealer or maybe the dealer may let you have it a little early (before the 1,000 miles is completed) but Triumph generally frowns on that...depends on how brave your dealer is.

At least that is the way it was back in '08 when I worked at our local Triumph dealership.

One other thing, I like floorboards and my Classic had them and, obviously, so does your '08. If you decide to go for the Roadster you'll be back to pegs. Which is one reason I would like to ride one (maybe in R&R) before I totally decide (for or) against it.

Good luck.


85 dtg Dubai
86 dtg Home
Re: Towing Daryl


You're darn right it's true. You know darn well I would NEVER post anything that wasn't the absolute, total, unvarnished truth.
YEP UGLY like your pet BULL DOG and you love both
Just purchased a new Rocket Stock 12,800 out the door. Last one and he wanted to deal. Dealer in MD (Pete's) was advertising 10,999 up till 2 weeks ago for the 2009.

Ugly Rocket III ?

I don't know about the Rocket III being ugly. When I used to ride around on my SprintST we would occasionally get comments at the store/resturant/gas station.

Since I bought the Rocket III, I am mobbed with comments. I had a really interesting big gentleman walk past me last week on his way to the door. He stopped dead in his tracks and we talked for the next 35 minutes. Happened again just last week riding up in the mountains,,,,,every time I stopped folks wanted to know about it.

I occasionally run into the old gang (I used to have a 69 Triumph......blah blah) but everyone stops to talk about the Rocket III. Old guys/young guys/occasionally women comment with a "nice bike". So, I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My wife said the other day," don't pull in there, you'll be talking for an hour while I eat my dinner alone". She later told me, I can't believe how many people come up to us and talk about the bike.
