Ripped Off? Blown Engine?

Good day to all ,warp has brought up a very important thought about my wife and all significant others that tolerate us captains my wife haS BEEN arock in this MS storm ,she keeps me grounded iand gisve me direction .to my wife esp. andto all others that dont uderstand yet tollerate our obsession Isay THANK YOU gotta go lay down, Does any one no or have any ideas how to get my bije to NJ Has any one know of or used any transport compamies

A GOOD WOMAN, better than a great bike :cool:
ripped off? blown engine?

UPDATE; Carpenter 240 pack to the rescue....... WOW had a rough start (Triumph ECU failed, Carpenter replaced for free !) cant say enough .
Just curious what this little endeavor cost you total.... $1280.00 rip off and if i'm not mistaken the Carpenter 240 runs around $6200.00........:confused: Glad you got it straightened out but was it worth the bang for the buck...?
rippedoff blown engine

TRIIC; Hate to think how much$,butt now I have custom bike that hauls butt.I once thought sure would be nice to have 6th. gear,now I cant imagine nor have any place to take 5th. to new max rpm. Things get quite intense at 5-7.3 R.P.M. So if your a motor head,in one word YES! Even more buck bang was getting a reputable shop that stands behind their work. could have easily spent same or more for belly button bike that performs this good,or no go show-bike,like O.C.C. Trust me your not thinking a bought $,white knuckled holding on for dear life. IMG_1211.JPG
Just curious Gary,
What did Carpenter find out was wrong
BEFORE they started working on it?
Were you totally ripped off by the first guy
or just screwed out of the PCVautotune thing?
ripped off blown engine

Xhdskip; over revved,over heated;to lean for to long .Burnt paint off new Jardiens, scuffed piston, v/c gsk.twisted one revolution,don't know how they even got it on,, but they had no business . being in there.They say they did not.... I must have blown it up!