Ring Shirt

Happy to be the Oz hub again. Will work out best way to manage it and post details in a day or 2.
Got your PM, Paul.

check is in the mail for my order for 2 ring shirts--also a couple of xtra bucks for your time/gas--i know you lost money on the last project due to the increase of the shipping charges--in my mind all that order should sweeten the pot a bit--it's not right that you loose money on these projects--i'll spend my 2 cents any way i want--thank you sir

Hey Fred check your paypal Money sent with a...little extra for your trouble and making this happen Once Again
Thank You very much, Cheers!!
I'll be taking 4 Fred - 2 large, I M and 1 S. As noted above, I'm happy to have them shipped to me again.
Fred, My check is going out in the mail tomorrow. I'm ordering 2 XL's.

Thanks Fred!!!
