Hi boys and girls ! It's Freddy Tee shirt ! I have some good news and some bad news. Always start with the good. I'm ready to take shirt orders. The bad news, they are going to cost more (not that much). Due to the cost of creating the design, the additional screens needed to make them, and the special silver ink, the cost per shirt will be $16.00. USPS raised their rates on Jan 22 so shipping is now $5.50 per shirt. And last but not least, shirts larger than "XL" have a $2.00 up-charge. They have all along and I have just been absorbing it, but since a LOT of Rocket riders are big dudes, I'm going to have to add it to the cost of the shirt (I know, I know, first two seats on the airplane, now this). Next up, payment. I will still take checks from anyone in the USA. Please include a note with your name and address and screen name and how many you want and in what sizes. I will take paypal from anywhere. PLEASE do the money conversion on your end. I have eaten that a couple times also. There is a place you can enter "if I want Fred to receive $21.50 US I have to to send 47 Kangaroo balls". ALSO please include a message with your payment with name, screen name, address, sizes etc. I hope (A) I don't sound like your mom with all the rules.(B) The price increase doesn't scare anybody off. The shirt is going to look kick ass (three cheers for Hanso !)
P.S. Anybody outside the USA please P.M. me for shipping costs.
PSS. My address is;
Fred Featherly
18334 144th Ave
Spring Lake MI 49456
Hi Paul
Richard (CanberraR3) has kindly offered to be our receiver/ forwarder Again, so get in touch with him if you like, I think it worked out cheaper to send them all to one adress here and then forward them on
Might not be a bad plan. The last bulk order to OZ was $3.00 a shirt as opposed to $13.25 a shirt for those shipped individually. Not sure how much it costs to get from the "hub" to the individuals houses.