hows retiement going have you actually finnished up in the office:cool: you won't have any excuses any more Mal is talking about coming down next wednsday if the weather is OK ... maybe you can drag your sorry arse down and if yous come down about ten oclock I will be finnished work I have a agency patient wed morning's till 10 at moment but you guys come down maybe we can do a Kanga val run and have lunch at the pub there, they have good grub:D

So far so good. Been nworking through my daily list......:( but better than the grind.
Will talk to Kiwi later - have to call him back anyway - and will let you know about next week.
Fred, just curious, are you going to get 50 orders on this design? (this is my shameless way of bringing the subject to the top)
Fred, just curious, are you going to get 50 orders on this design? (this is my shameless way of bringing the subject to the top)

I have been paid for 13 so far and it's pretty early yet. I hope I make it to 50, that's the number I used to figure the cost. It may take awhile for people to see them, not so much traffic on here in the winter. They are going to get printed regardless because I want one for myself !
Yes mate, that would be best.


Don't send payment just yet, as soon as I know numbers, Fred and I can work out postage cost and then you can send your money to me. I'll make a single payment to Fred.

Anyone who has already paid, (Hanso, others?) still let me know how many you've ordered.

Richard I thought I had posted for this but cant see it..

So Again.

I will order when your ready

I have been paid for 13 so far and it's pretty early yet. I hope I make it to 50, that's the number I used to figure the cost. It may take awhile for people to see them, not so much traffic on here in the winter. They are going to get printed regardless because I want one for myself !
No Rush Fred :Deven thou I am eager and friggin Keen to see them, Should be Awesome with the chrome effect
Last year I sold a XXXXXXL (yes that's six) to fellow In Australia. So we got you covered (literally).:eek:
Yeah I have seen it at Russels he showed to me when I was picking mine up, it was like a tent haven't seen it on the owner but he is big lad, I believe is actually losing a few Kg