Outa here...Buh bye.
I was searching the internet last night on how to remove a dent from a painted metal part of a car or motorcycle and saw a video on youtube where a guy removed a ding from a motorcycle gas tank by using a blowdryer and a can of air used to clean a keyboard. He removed the tank, drained it, then heated it up at the dent spot with the blowdryer, and then tipped the can of air upside so only the propellant came out and sprayed it on the dent to freeze it quickly. It took a few tries, and then the dent was gone with the paint still intact. I also watched another video of a guy using a blood presure cuff stuffed into the tank and pumping up to pop out the dent in a gas tank. And I've heard that you can do the same thing with an old inner tube.
I'm working on a project bike (a 1995 Honda Shadow VT1100C2 ACE) that has a dent in the tank...and I'm wondering if anyone else here has tried any of these methods with any success?
I'm working on a project bike (a 1995 Honda Shadow VT1100C2 ACE) that has a dent in the tank...and I'm wondering if anyone else here has tried any of these methods with any success?
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