Reducing Decel Popping?

Also...I'm not sure I can stand the noise levels of the single outlaw, it's just evil! If I'm thinking that way what about the local bystanders!? My wife thinks it's going to cause issue... .
Cause issue - like still born lambs?

Based on the noise of Nat's - I know that I would have to be very cautious around the Boys in Green here with DP Outlaws.

Last week at my mates workshop they came in looking for a VERY LOUD Harley they'd just heard - Mate says no Harley here. True enough.

There was however an evilly loud "customised" Guzzi (Custom being tassels on the grips and shoddy fishtails) sat there - fortunately not looking recently used. Sounded like a Massey Ferguson misfiring on all pots. Owner had brought it in for it's MoT.

It was politely suggested that the chances were slim given the Police interest - and that the owner might want to consider finding a mate to give him a hand - as it was going to cost alot to fix. More than I would have paid him for the bike for parts.
Wait till you put the air ram in and that will change the air ratio and you’ll get the back firing popping.

I figured as much, but I will be using a different tune with that setup. I now have several to try.
My local village has been complaining about a bastard loud motorbike. MY OUTLAWS!!
This may be a stupid question , but have you made proper sure that you have no air leaks ? Either at the manifold or joint . If she can suck air somewhere , you never gonna tame the decel popping !
HAven't read all the posts but check the Throttle bodies balance and the stepper motor is correctly set. It helped on mine
Last checked they did, I'll hook up the tuneecu diag tomorrow and check

That looks very Sainsbury-ish

TuneECU Android or TuneECU Windows?
Park & ride car park
TuneECU on a windows 10 laptop...I know you'd prefer I were using Linux and wine but I'm lazy dual boot with Linux mint DE though

My local village has been complaining about a bastard loud motorbike. MY OUTLAWS!!
Funnily enough I got chatting with my next door neighbour and he's cool about it, the last couple of days has had me coming and going a lot due to tuning but he gets it and is alright...just hope the rest will be chilled...I've convinced the Mrs not to worry now atleast

I vastly improved the very same issue with just PCV and map recommended by the PCV was 100% better so was performance.
Yep, read all the posts and do understand but with only an exhaust mod it's too early AFAIK...I'll likely get a ram air ordered soon after chatting with the local dyno boss next week, but will opt for direct ECU tuning rather than a PCV...a one off fee less than a PCV price tag, then either nothing or very little to pay for retuning sounds good to me!

This may be a stupid question , but have you made proper sure that you have no air leaks ? Either at the manifold or joint . If she can suck air somewhere , you never gonna tame the decel popping !
Yep, when I first installed I had very minor leaks around the joints which I addressed at the same time, smearing a little exhaust sealant where the joins are, not an issue now...I just think with the direct link pipe and short can there is just very little length to help with the popping? I'll check for leaks tomorrow anyway, just in case they came back...
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TuneECU on a windows 10 laptop...I know you'd prefer I were using Linux and wine but I'm lazy dual boot with Linux mint DE though ..
DE - Hard Core. I have just built a standalone Win10 Enterprise LTSB machine for the garage. Win10 as it should be :- naked and stand alone.
DE - Hard Core. I have just built a standalone Win10 Enterprise LTSB machine for the garage. Win10 as it should be :- naked and stand alone.

Nice, my last MSDN subscription only gave me access to other versions...I need another gig that can sort me out lol

I used to love running Arch Linux, everything installed from vanilla binaries made from the source and if not you make your own AUR packages to manage automated download, compile, deploy...but I just don't have the time for it anymore! Linux Mint Debian Edition is a nice compromise, rolling releases but with the ease of Ubuntu etc.

But I digress

So you'd suggest either PCV / AT install or hit the dyno with a direct ECU update NOW, anything to remap properly? Then update as I go with the mods...

If I went the PCV route, does this mean I can map myself (using AT) or would it still be best getting dyno runs in? Just trying to understand where the costs might be...