Recommended Exhaust Modifications for Sound

That is $800 you will enjoy for a long time. The Power Tripp tune for Touring works very well and you will not need a PC. Try the tune. It works with stock, TORs and D&D.
So I have spent a good amount of time on this site and I have not heard of a Power Tripp tune. Can you give some more details. I do not have a touring so it could be something I have overlooked.
So I have spent a good amount of time on this site and I have not heard of a Power Tripp tune. Can you give some more details. I do not have a touring so it could be something I have overlooked.
Ok so since I have not used Tune ECU I see where the Power-Tripp reference came from and why it didn't register.
The one I reference is ONLY for the Touring. For your 05 and 11 you would use different tunes. For the 05 variants of 20050 or 20228 work well and for the 11 variants of 20352 or 20355 work well.
You left out the autotune.
Auto tune? What's that?

I am thinking that a higher flow pipe combined with a higher flow intake equals a retune that ENRICHENS the fuel flow in order to keep the air to fuel ratio correct. Is my thinking accurate? If so, what's the corresponding downside? Something like 20mpg?
That is $800 you will enjoy for a long time. The Power Tripp tune for Touring works very well and you will not need a PC. Try the tune. It works with stock, TORs and D&D.
Thanks. I can score a sett of used D&Ds for $350. Not bad. I would for sure do a intake improvement but I have been told that the "big shot tumers" use the power commanders instead of the stock ECU. I am not sure who to believe. Overall, is it worth it? I like getting more sound and better performance but I get 33mpg with it now as it is. I would hate to bring that down much further.
The one I reference is ONLY for the Touring. For your 05 and 11 you would use different tunes. For the 05 variants of 20050 or 20228 work well and for the 11 variants of 20352 or 20355 work well.
Cool. I take it that these are ECU tunes from the Triumph folks? All I would need is a cable? I like the idea of playing around with things via electronic tunes but my goal is not a huge HP gain. I am just a stroller who wants as much torque as I can get at the lowest rpm with just a bit more sound to override the "dentist drill" sound from this beast of a motor.
Many of the tunes are contributed by members, some are stock Triumph tunes. Triumph TORS (Triumph Off Road) exhaust add some sound and there may be a stock Triumph tune for them.

Best bet is to see if there is a GOOD tuner in your area if you make changes to your bike.
Knowledge and caution should be used before changing your tune.
An improper tune can damage / destroy your engine.
Changing to 3 K&N or Ramair air cleaner also increases the noise, some like it some do not.

The best sound is going to come from a fairly open exhaust, with some baffling, that has smooth transitions to the atmosphere. Volume will be determined by diameter and turn count.

TuneECU is the popular do it yourself program. Check it out right away as support for the free PC version is soon to end. Yes you need a cable. The one from Lonelec is best.
I build a twin muffler system for the Touring, exactly like this 3 into 1 system but with a 2" cross over pipe and the same muffler on the other side.