Rear Wheel installation - spacer


.020 Over
Apr 10, 2021
2011 R3T
Hello again everyone.

I'm refitting my rear wheel onto my 2011 Rocket 3 Touring, and it seems my brake pad is resting directly on the brake rotor. As you look at the back of bike, the innermost pad rests on the rotor (the left pad) which indicates that the wheel needs to move to the right a bit. I figured the spacer in the rear wheel would create that space, but the spacer sits flush with the rotor. Is this that way it's supposed to be? Can someone take a photo of the rear of the bike, with the spacer between the caliper carrier and the wheel visible so I can see how far out the spacer should sit?

This would be very much appreciated.
Does this help? Of note, this is my '14 R3T.

Yes! I see that the spacer sticks out about an 1/8th of an inch. Mine is flush. How is that possible?! I wonder if there's a washer inside or something....aaarrrgghh!! I am doubting very highly that the bearing inside shifted. Anyone?
Thanks to everyone that helped out on this, especially MIG and TURBO (on a related matter). Thank goodness I checked because indeed the rear wheel had to be gently persuaded to seat firmly onto the bevel box, and the brake pads had been dragging all this time, which I thought was just a function of new pads. Wheel is back on, magnet removed from the gear box (that's a nifty little invention should sell those things). Now all I need is a new headlight bucket, which Triumph doesn't carry anymore. UGh.