Rear Metzeler goooooone

Do what we used to do up in the Northern Territory .. get outa town and ride on the wrong side of the road. Flat open country you could see other vehicle approaching miles away .. usually
Do what we used to do up in the Northern Territory .. get outa town and ride on the wrong side of the road. Flat open country you could see other vehicle approaching miles away .. usually

Did that 20 years ago, never thought to look behind me, guy called the cops and I got a DWI out of it.
FSB. Re the wear on your tyre, is that the side you keep your wallet?
I'm a little puzzled after reading through this thread. Many of you have said the Bridgestone lasts longer, AND grips better than the Metz. Is the Bridgestone a magic tire? Normally a softer compound tire grips better, but doesn't last as long, and vise versa. Has Bridgestone figured out how to defy the laws of physics?
I think some compounds may be better at both than others, though what you say is generally true.

Possibly the Metzler that was designed for the Rocket is a dripping handful of $hit ?
Be fitting Bridgestone/ Cobra combo on Tuesday. ME880 on the back is just about rooted , so they have arrived just in time
Put the Bridgestone on the back today. The Metz on the front still has life. Will that combo de OK?