rear light problem ??

Pat - This may sound dumb - But you changed the headlamp. What about the parking light connector? IIRC the tail light and Parking light are on the same circuit.

WELL HERE IS A SMART REFLEXION thanks for bringing it to the fore,
when I changed the headlights from a different led to a new one I noticed the parking lights connection in the bowl tucked behind the lights there was no bulbs in either side but the wires were still connected to the plastic plug so I just put them back before installing the new headlights however now that you say they are connected to the same circuit as the rear I will investigate further I have the manual and the revision part as well . nevertheless with the old led headlights I had the rear light working with the parking connectors tucked behind as well ...further head scratching this afternoon....
the idea to tape a bicycle tail light on the fender becomes more and more of a cheap and easy solution
+1 @barbagris , if there's no bulb etc in those front parking lightbulb sockets, the contacts can come together and blow fuse #10.
The license plate light and the taillight are supplied via the same fuse
just because the brake light works does not mean the tail light works.
u have a brake light filament and a tail light filament in the bulb plus they r two different circuits.
like what they have said parking light probably shorted and blown fuse
just because the brake light works does not mean the tail light works.
u have a brake light filament and a tail light filament in the bulb plus they r two different circuits.
like what they have said parking light probably shorted and blown fuse

I do not have filaments bulb just led all around in the bulb and when brake is applied ALL the led do light up
to day as I was troubleshooting the front headlights upon turning ignition on DID NOT light up the fuse is good so my next move is to take the rocket to a shop and see if they can fix the problem to me now it appears there is a lot more than just rear light problem anymore
Pat - This may sound dumb - But you changed the headlamp. What about the parking light connector? IIRC the tail light and Parking light are on the same circuit.

update... today as I was trying to find a solution I turned the ignition on , the front headlights ( both) did not light up so looking at the diagram I cannot figure out where to look . the speedo and rpm do the regular check turning signal lights works all the fuses are good
it is a mystery to me
Heres what i found..
I added led headlights....because there was no park lights within the leds, i just tucked the wire in the back....
No taillight!!!!...blown fuse...replaced the fuse..poof!...blown fuse!
Traced it to the 'spade' fittings for the park lights in the headlights that i had tucked away. The 'spade' fittings were shorting out on themselves cos they are so close,so i added the bulbs and fixed it.
You could just cut the 'spade' fittings off and tape the wires up and tuck them away..
The park light circuit needs to be on for the headlights to work as that signal enables the headlight relay
The park fuse has almost certainly blown - note there are TWO fuse on that circuit - 8 & 10 - in this case it would be 8 if the headlights do not come on (but that is not to say 10 could ALSO be blown)

The root cause is as Tal suggests, the park bulb holders in the headlight buckets - you either need to install bulbs or remove the sockets so they are no longer active
Silly me -- when the marker light would no longer fit in the bucket, I just left it hanging outside -- some folks have noticed and remarked -- but hey, it all works, so far.
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