Did you ever determine where to find the 12v power source for the brake light? I'm in the same situation, wanting to add additional brake lights on my 2022 R3 GT. Thanks!
I got a brake light strobe from Custom Dynamics which I've used on all my bikes over the years, and because I like doing things clean, I also decided to get the actual JTS (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07VW6TK8P) connector used on the R3 to avoid splicing any wires.
I installed a Givi V56 top case and installed the brake light kit. So of course I'm having the same problem. I ordered an ST2 module and going to give that a try. It is not clear to me what the best way to wire that in. I have asked the folks ST2 and they say it is fully compatible with the Triumph CAN bus. But also appears to be compatible with older bikes with regular 12 volt brake lights. My plan is to wire completely independent from the bikes tail light unit such that the Givi case only lights up from the ST2 module when decelerating. Stay tuned...
Brake light is a bit tricky as it does not give 12V when breaking. It does ground (ish), so you need solid state relay DC-DC (no wearing parts).
That relay you connect:
From connector rear driving light to input+ and also output+ and also rear driving light lamp.
From connector brake light to input -.
From relay output- wire to rear brake lamp.
I did that to my bike when changed rear light to other model, when made top box rack in original rear light hole.