Rear brake fail

Ive had a recall from Triumph about this problem with the rear break. Mine went a bit soft so i contacted Triumph to sort it out, they were on top of this told me they blead it 3 times to solve this problem. It must have the ignition on conect to a laptop then the mechanic bleads the system not problems after that all done on warrenty...
Same here. I've just received the recall letter though the Triumph website (1) returns that my R3R is not concerned (but I prefer -and appreciate- that Triumph sent the letter instead of just relying on their website).

In October the dealer decided to bleed the brake of my R3R when I brought her for the first maintenance and after I've told him about the reports from this forum and given that I had the impression that the rear pedal was sometimes a little softer. Haven't had the chance to check since (given the Covid...).

Anyway whether it needs to be bled again or else e.g. (2), I just hope that it'll be fixed once for all.

I am not too worried neither disappointed since I have noticed for several years that recalls including for security elements have been concerning any single brand and model (including top brand cars such as Mercedes).
A few days ago, we can read in the press over here that several recalls were sent by Yamaha :
- for the Yamaha FJR 1300 (2016 to 2020) : gear box which should be replaced.
- for 14 versions of FJR1300, XT1200Z Super Ténéré, MT-10, Niken, Tracer 900 GT and TMAX about brakes contactors i.e. about 30.723 vehicles concerned just for the French territory.

(1) recall search

had mine done it went for a crap over the winter, no issues since.
Hi Daytonastar, I've had the problem twice too!
It seems the dealership didn't know the correct procedure first time it was done at around 500 miles. Second time was around 1500 miles and has been ok since. Now done 6000 miles and no problem.
I was told if they don't actuate the ABS system it doesn't bleed fully.
If in doubt Youles Blackburn have been great in supporting me.
Hi Daytonastar, I've had the problem twice too!
It seems the dealership didn't know the correct procedure first time it was done at around 500 miles. Second time was around 1500 miles and has been ok since. Now done 6000 miles and no problem.
I was told if they don't actuate the ABS system it doesn't bleed fully.
If in doubt Youles Blackburn have been great in supporting me.
my rear does this now after sitting (bike does that alot these days,,,)... i pump it a bunch of times and it stiffens up... if i used the rear brake much it would worry me more...
Eric! Long time no see. Did you get a new one?
nope... haven't ridden in many months... anybody u know need a rocket for cheap (may have soggy rear brake)?
This thread is the new models, apparently problems from factory. I'll have to drag your ass out for a ride when get back to Florida in a couple months.
Looks like the rear brake curse has bitten me too. 1940 miles on a 2021 GT. Mine doesn't appear on the recall list. Its booked in to be bled in 8 days. 2 hours to do apparently as the rear wheel has to be removed.