Just wondering if anyone knows where these Owners are , they have all at one time expressed an interest at attending a RDU type get-together ...Augnome, Bennyp38, CheekyGreeky,Coneye, Kimbo, Highwayman, Ishmael, Paul Jacobs , Nickspwf, Motolink, PowderMonkey, RicksRock, Tas RocketRider, Tekor, The Kiwi... I have contacted Madal and a mate of mine Legs up in Darwin and both will try to attend if work comittments allow. Im not certain how Binnsy's treatment is going at present. Dennsell said he couldn't get time off work. The other WA based Owners Zimtuff, Rick and Pedro i think did say they would come if they could. Any ideas what we can do about letting some of these blokes know whats going on and seeing if they'd like to attend RDU ?