RDU -Who is actually coming ?

Mate of Catherines just returned from Hervey Bay today. He went out whale watching on a ship crewed by blokes from Sea Shepard . Went out for 5 hours , cost $110 each , saw 30 plus whales. Some so close they could touch them. The part he found the best was the passion these blokes from Sea Shepard had for protecting these creatures ( gota love these modern day pirates i reckon) Reckons it was an f#ckin awesome experience and worth every zac... he's texting me through the name of the ship later on . Just thought i'd let you's all know about it.

Mate Whale watching costly, but I have been about 10 times I reckon, you will never forget the experience, & will regret it if you don't go.;)
Well we're here now and settling down to dinner at the pub with Hanso and Ann. None of us are young enough to work out how to take a pic of the bikes in the dark.

BUT now we are 4! :eek:

Find a five year old they will show you, if anything like my grandson.
Mate Whale watching costly, but I have been about 10 times I reckon, you will never forget the experience, & will regret it if you don't go.;)

If the dollars in any way goes towards Sea Shepard then it's money well spent i reckon... none of this amby-pamby hippy protesting bull**** , they ram or sink the f#cking jap whaling boats. They got my vote .. ;)
If the dollars in any way goes towards Sea Shepard then it's money well spent i reckon... none of this amby-pamby hippy protesting bull**** , they ram or sink the f#cking jap whaling boats. They got my vote .. ;)

Whilst working as a tour guide on Fraser Island, I took people for a day tour to Indian Head. Part of the day was to walk to the top of Indian Head and look down into the sea below the cliffs. Many times seen whales cruising by looking like big submarines, and when the launch out of the water, you can smell the stale air as they blow.

Got into trouble one day, 28 Japanese, wanted personal tour, day went great until Indian Head, I'll blame the voices, but I gave the pricks a lecture on the humpback whales, migration, calves, and breeding. Then I asked them why they were such cruel bastards and harpoon suck a majestic creature, didn't go down to well, but I made my point.:D
Wait until you see yours young Mitchie. Pink tank and fluffy seat. Sh#t it's funny.
But I reckon you're asking for trouble moving TC's bike round the corner. Like I said at the time "stop, he'll kill you."

Wait until you see yours young Mitchie. Pink tank and fluffy seat. Sh#t it's funny.

But I reckon you were asking for trouble moving TC's bike round the corner. As I said at the time "stop, he'll kill you." :roll: