RDU -Who is actually coming ?

That's a shame mate I was hoping to catch up. Maybe next time. Hope you are well. Mal.
Hey Fellas,
It looks like I'm a no show, but have fun, stay safe.


That's a shame Horse was looking forward to meeting you with the rest of the crew. When Cathy & I get our **** together we will come down the day before one of you guys EOM rides, stay the night and start of fresh.
What about the rest of us I wanted to meet one of the Rare QLD Red Rocket riders, Oh Well next time hope it nothing serious:)

Na Red just has alot of other rides on . Just got back from one and is a busy time for him with work . RDU would have just been a bit mutch on top of everything else I suspect . It's a shame though mate he is a top notch bloke u would have got on well with him . Even has a trailer on his Red rocket roadtrain too mate ;)
Na Red just has alot of other rides on . Just got back from one and is a busy time for him with work . RDU would have just been a bit mutch on top of everything else I suspect . It's a shame though mate he is a top notch bloke u would have got on well with him . Even has a trailer on his Red rocket roadtrain too mate ;)
yeah he made welcome and seemed very friendly when I joined the Ratpack forum which reminds me I should pay another visit there to stir up the black bike riders again :D
yeah he made welcome and seemed very friendly when I joined the Ratpack forum which reminds me I should pay another visit there to stir up the black bike riders again :D

Lol yeah we are Packrats mate ratpack is the factory triumph one ;) . U will c I just started the rockets down under group there this morning and invited u