RDU -Who is actually coming ?

People travelling more than 1 day, what are your intentions/plans re accommodation along the way. I've been looking at what's available around Muswellbrook/Scone and Warwick but think I'd rather just see what's available when we get there. I'm going to be carrying a swag anyway so might just camp wherever. Thoughts from others?
Camper or cabin, depending on weather for overnight stay not worth opening camper if raining;)
Mate, I wouldn't be worried about it. If your bike is registered in Canberra and its legal there that all you need to worry about. If anyone gives you grief, we'll courteously inform them to partake in the art of self fornication.

Totally agree Ponters, if your legal in your home state and are here for a holiday would be nothing to worry about.
Totally agree Ponters, if your legal in your home state and are here for a holiday would be nothing to worry about.

Wouldn't be too sure about that ... if it ain't legal in Qld they can (and probably will) ping you for it. Know the NSW coppers will do you unless you have your rego label attached to your number plate. Legal to have it anywhere visible on left side of your bike here in Qld. Cross the border into NSW and it's a ticket .
Wouldn't be too sure about that ... if it ain't legal in Qld they can (and probably will) ping you for it. Know the NSW coppers will do you unless you have your rego label attached to your number plate. Legal to have it anywhere visible on left side of your bike here in Qld. Cross the border into NSW and it's a ticket .
first time I've heard that here in NSW it says in the RTA rules it must be Adjacent to Number Plate nowhere does it say it has to be Attached I think you have come across a crook cop mate lots of people even mount them on their chain guards or anywhere else inconspicuous near impossible to read some of them I have a tube and when coming back from Eastern creek loaded up to the gunals, venturer bag drooping half across the numberplate and label tube and got pulled over for 130 in 100 the cop glanced at it could see it was there and did not even say a thing then down graded my ticket to 15 over, Attitude and good manners works wonders
first time I've heard that here in NSW it says in the RTA rules it must be Adjacent to Number Plate nowhere does it say it has to be Attached I think you have come across a crook cop mate lots of people even mount them on their chain guards or anywhere else inconspicuous near impossible to read some of them I have a tube and when coming back from Eastern creek loaded up to the gunals, venturer bag drooping half across the numberplate and label tube and got pulled over for 130 in 100 the cop glanced at it could see it was there and did not even say a thing then down graded my ticket to 15 over, Attitude and good manners works wonders

Just what i was told mate.. bloke was a clubbie though , perhaps they 'fine tooth combed ' him :cool:
Wouldn't be too sure about that ... if it ain't legal in Qld they can (and probably will) ping you for it. Know the NSW coppers will do you unless you have your rego label attached to your number plate. Legal to have it anywhere visible on left side of your bike here in Qld. Cross the border into NSW and it's a ticket .

Marty's ***** of the day;

Mate you would think that all the laws would be the same in every state, I drive interstate so like all truckers we know the country is a big arsed place.

The law makers are noting but drop kicks it's one country for gods sake not and endless supply of consolidated revenue collection agency.

What ever happened to one country for all, one law for all, that what our soldiers have fought & died for over the years, about time the drop kicks remembered that and woke up to themselves.
Marty's ***** of the day;

Mate you would think that all the laws would be the same in every state, I drive interstate so like all truckers we know the country is a big arsed place.

The law makers are noting but drop kicks it's one country for gods sake not and endless supply of consolidated revenue collection agency.

What ever happened to one country for all, one law for all, that what our soldiers have fought & died for over the years, about time the drop kicks remembered that and woke up to themselves.
All very true but do me a favour Big Fella and TC watch your Blood pressure will Ya's I ain't coming up there to nurse a couple of heart attack victims:rolleyes:
My blood pressures fine mate. Been fitting the new cam chain to my Rocket , engine buttoned back up after working on it most of the day.

Had a call from Lenny tonight , an old mate who rides a Rocket Tourer these days. He's hoping to make it to The Bay , riding down from Mackay with a few of his Rocket riding mates :D

May get 50 Rockets yet ;)