*** RDU Melbourne *** 17-19 Oct 2014

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I Reckon i will keep it Ken ,, One its all set up for me lowered ect , , 2--- Its comfortable ,,, 3 --- Does'nt matter how much i think about replacing it ,, NOTHING seems to be up to the same standards ,, lots out there with power ,, good handling ,, torque , comfort , luggage capacity ,,, passenger comfort ,

BUT theres NONE with all the above rolled into one bike ,, .
I totally agree there are not many bikes that I would do the long hauls on other than the R3T and be both comfortable from start to finish be able to cruise along or open the taps and get really mobile, 1100k plus days no worries , a bit of twisty stuff all good ,stop light Grand Prix yes please and looking Kool without trying,130Kph in the rain on the freeway at night exhilarating
Mate you must be knackered the Island to the Bay is a fair run bit late to do anything now (apart from the fact you would be to knackered) but will call you shortly
RDU is now officially over put the bike in the garage 10 mins ago , she is running like clockwork.
Gotta say this has been the most fun I've ever had with my clothes on, thanks to all letting me be a part or RDU 2014, back to work Monday :(

That's all that matters, your home safe the bike is going great and you enjoyed yourself. Thanks for coming, see you next trip. All the best Mal.