I think you are being a bit harsh there Richard It may have been your suggestion to have a get together and we talked and talked and talked about it .........
But I t was Marty that got It happening and I don't know if you have actually organised a get together or rally but there is a lot of work and yes there was some sarcasms well phrased so as not to be to clear they were there until you read between the lines
Also if you do not have a local Guy organising it just wouldn't work so maybe you should give Marty the Kudos he deserves instead of condemning him and I can tell you it is not about you or I but us and you should think about that the next time you start shooting down someone's suggestion it isn't just about you
" Fact is, reflecting on what I wanted for RDU at the outset (and well before you took charge of the Hervey Bay event), what many of us wanted was merely to get together from all over Australia. "
If he hadn't come up with the suggestion of Hervey Bay it would not have happened and we would still be talking about it, I noticed You did not suggest Canberra and when it was suggested you backed away very quickly!
Coming up with an Idea and actually making it happen is to different things, as far as I am concerned I find it a lot easier to remember Who made it happen than the guy who threw the idea out there in the wind hoping some body would grab it
some time ago while I was trying to involve you in this years event at Batemans Bay I suggest that the Victorians might like to make a two day trip up the coast and one of us could meet them at say Lakes Entrance or Can River and lead them thru some nice riding country, you agreed then the other week you jump on there and say why don't they come up to your place and ride down to the Bay with you! sorry but apart from the last section coming down the Clyde Mtn the trip is boring
then I suggest that the northerners might like to meet one of us at Bathurst and come down the coast via Bowral, Kangaroo Valley a nice scenic ride not a hard ride if taken at a sensible pace also safe, again because that didn't suit you, You condemned it
Now I say to you stop thinking about what you want Get On Board and think of the greater group and allow some discussion and lastly also give some respect to the location organiser....... remember you didn't want the job and fobbed it of when suggested