RDU 2013 Batemans Bay

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Yeah, 98 traffic lights (count 'em!!) - if half of them are red, that's prolly around 250 clutch movements and gear changes in that thirty-odd kms......

The other way? Errrmmm .... none......:D

Couple of tolls, and a bit further distance, but so what? Quicker as well.

As TC says, if you go further out AROUND the joint, you got a few choices.... Wollombi Road thru Wisemans, or Putty Road, to Windsor.... then maybe up the hill thru Bell to Lithgow/Bathurst, then a great run down thru Taralga and Goulburn to the Bay.

Bugger Sydney!
Just got this in a PM from Marty. Nice. Actually it's pathetic.

"Richard you don't know me! I don't sulk never not a girl! I never have nor ever will back down! How staunch are you bloke?

Your typical of a big mouth always complaining. Maybe someone might take you seriously if your got off your whining arse and helped, instead of bagging every one who actually gets things done.

Just for the record my Mrs organised and worked like a demon to get the only ground that in Hervey Bay that supported our goals. Every body else tagged the RDU the same as OMC patched gangs.

You bag Hervey Bay again you're bagging my Mrs, believe me that's no where you want to go. I will tell you straight I don't like you, for no other reason than your comments you make about people.

Whilst you are so eager to bag any one organising thing, why don't you jump on board and put all the negativity into help organising this years event.

I don't give a **** what anyone thinks of me, I'm a big boy and will look after myself, as far as my family goes that's a no go area.:mad: "
***n hell Hanso, what's up your bum? As usual you've not bothered to read what I posted, or if you did it surely went way over your head. You have, once again, completely missed the point of what I was saying. Sometimes you seem to just post whatever pops into your head without even thinking. Almost everything in your long post is wrong and ill considered and a lot of it is frankly, bloody insulting.

Suddenly everyone just has to ride Kangaroo Valley and see the sites, yet somehow I'm a bad person for saying that's exactly what I wanted to do at Hervey Bay. Maybe you're the one having the sarcastic dig at Marty....... I don't think so as this just proves you don't read posts properly I am talking about on the way there not during the weekend or don't you remember you already shot my suggested Saturday ride way on back in the thread, you may also remember I supported Marty and had a go at you then about trying to change the Agenda

If I thought for 1 second that everyone actually wanted to spend a weekend in September in Canberra I'd have jumped at the chance to organise something. To be honest though, all I can recall being said on the subject was that Canberra would come after every other state. Or have I got wrong? I don't think so.

I have no idea why you decided the dredge up Hervey Bay. I was responding to Marty's incorrect claim that people had made sarcastic remarks. But as you raised it, go back and actually read the HB threads and you will see many comments of praise from me for Marty's efforts. You will also see that I was very direct and up front about what I had expected the experience to be. That doesn't make it "all about me"; that shows that at least I had some sensitivity and was prepared to show some consideration for what others wanted, and that I was prepared to speak my mind. Great effort that it was, Hervey Bay was still all about what Marty wanted. And from your comments so far in this thread, Bateman's Bay is also going to be all about what you want.

I'm done with this. If you and Marty are so immature you can't cope with a bit of honesty you can both go and *** yourselves.
Maybe you should take your own Advice...... read your comments from a "the other person direction" I do read and reread carefully to make sure hoping that I may have misunderstood what you wrote
Fellas, gents, brothers, lads, ladies, fags, apes, poofs, blokes, ****s and whatever else there is to be called,
If I may, either appropriately or not, interject for one moment.

Please entertain me for a moment.

Can we all put 1 thing aside temporarily? I ask you courteously set aside your opinion of me as an individual for a moment. So if we have met or not, you like or dislike me, please set your well entitled opinion aside for a moment and consider my thoughts. Please.

Now ask yourselves these basic questions and answer them to yourself and only yourself, be 100% honest in your answer as nobody will ever know what you think.

1. Do you love your Rocket?
2. Would going for a ride as a semi holiday or short brake with your rocket be an enjoyable experience?
3. Would meeting up with other people who admire your loved rocket so much so they had their own be fun?
4. Would chatting about your personal touches or modifications etc be of interest?
5. Would the thought of having a meal and a drink with a few people who all share your passion for your bike be of interest?
6. Would doing ‘something’ with some spare time together be of interest?
7. Would heading back to your normal life and remembering things you saw, memories made and moments cherished until the next time be something you’d like to take away with you?

Guys if you answer some of these questions with an affirmative then joining up and riding together to or at the RDU is the place to be.

Something I recognize is that no 2 members of this site are identical. No 2 people have experienced the identical challenges and rewards of life. No 2 people will ever organize an identical get together. I look at RDU as this. WE are all different. All different walks of life. All different attitudes and different ways of doing things, communicating things and interpreting things.

I respect Marty and his family for all the effort the put into Hervey Bay. I really enjoyed it. Was it perfect? *** no…my daughter got sick, I had a massive blu with my wife about a completely separate matter, I was delayed in Hervey Bay etc… Would I have done things differently…yeah probably. Would I have wanted the weather to be different…yeah maybe a bit. Guess what, I had a bloody great time, met some top people, got to share a bit of my life with people I wouldn’t normally have done and feel I am a better person for it.

This year, Hanso has taken the bull by the horns. Im doing nothing other than showing up, having fun and leaving. The person that puts in the most will cop the most grief and also the most praise. That’s life. The more you put in the more you get out, good and bad.

Next year, it’ll be me (how the phuck that happened I don’t know) but I’ll organize it if nobody else can or wants to. If I do it’ll be a party I organize. I’ll do the best I can and accommodate hopefully everyone’s wants or needs and if not I’ll have done my best. As did marty last year and Hanso this year. I am confident there is not 1 person who doesn’t appreciate Marty’s efforts. Likewise I am positive there is not 1 person that considers last year 100% perfect. Starting at Marty and his family and down to people that couldn’t make it.

We are not a MC. Nobody has earned there place. There is no leader and no hierarchy. We are all equal. We all can misinterpret the written word as there is no phonetic expression and words come easier to some than others.

Now that you consider some of this, you may agree with 1% or 100% of what is written on this post. Can we focus on what has brought us together and what we all get from it. Our passion for riding, our bikes and having a laugh together. Riding together.

Whatever the people from and around Batemans bay organize for us will be appreciated. It’s the opportunity to meet. Over time we will all get a chance to organize a get together. When you do, organize it your way.

If you do something I don’t want to do…I wont do it. Likewise, if I try to get you to sing karaoke and you don’t want to, don’t ****in do it!

Marty and his family had a real passion and drive to make something of the get together and felt compelled to use the opportunity to give to someone less fortunate because they were receiving by getting us all together. We can all commend them and respect them for that.

This year, Hanso and Richard are going to know the area and find it the easiest to coordinate and organize things. We are all so blessed to have each other and if anything bad happened to any of us tonight we’d be really sad and want to help each other. Its easy to get your nose out of joint especially when you aren’t face to face to hear the way things are said and ultimately take it the wrong way.

Nobody wants to insult anybody’s family, their efforts or them…if they don’t see eye to eye they just wont spend as much time chatting as they will with others they get along with more.

We are not here to piss each other off or insult each other. Nobody wants to make threats nor be threatened. I stand up and cop it on the chin. My language at times can easily be insulting or misinterpreted. Last year I called somebody a **** and they felt really disrespected. Truth is I love the bloke and would never do anything to hurt him, make him sad or feel disrespected. I own my mistake and apologized as it was not meant in that way at all.

I feel we’ve digressed a bit and old misinterpretations or differences are being re-aired for absolutely no positive outcome.

Can we all focus on what we all want and achieve it. We all want to go for a long ride, get excited about packing and riding and getting to our destination with our license and health all in one piece. I made some awesome mates and can honestly say my life is better for meeting a lot of you and this year I hope to meet more and get to know others better to.

I have no ego and no fear in saying lets forget about our differences, lets focus on our similarities and enjoy the preparation and anticipation of this great opportunity to share our passion for our bikes.

I just got home from seeing a mate of mine. The guy is miraculously alive. Several of our mates aren’t. We were talking about them tonight and how we feel about the people involved in the incidences that mean the mates aren’t alive. We were talking about trying to help one of the lads little girls go to a different school. Her mum is a widow and can’t afford it. Her dad was shot dead, her brother is in an induced coma which he may never come out of. 2 of her uncles are missing and life looks a bit shabby for this little girl. I reckon she has got problems, our issues of what meat we eat and whatever else that’s pissing people off are pretty trivial issues.

Can we all just thank god for what we have and get on with planning a meet and greet.

Lets set everything aside..if you want to talk about it call me, if you want to threaten someone, threaten me, if you want to punch someone up, punch me up..im only a little fella if you want to swear at me no probs, call me what you like, do all you want but promise me 1 thing. Promise you’ll ride with me, talk rocket **** with me and protect me from any **** that tries to run me over.
Don't know what to say really guys :confused:
Ponters well said brother

I have a lot of time and respect for everyone on here so im not going to get involved in this silliness

might stick to the Packrats rallys and give this a miss. anyone wants to catch up ill be on their eom rides and yearly rally.
hope it all works out well this year
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