RDU 2013 Batemans Bay

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getting back to the original purpose of this thread !!!!!!!

Hanso do we have a firm date for Batemans Bay, have we, as a group, made a decision on accomodation and if so are we at a point where we can make a firm booking?

Fellas please don't tell me to refer to previous threads to find the answer...lets keep this on the subject matter so we don't have a repeat of Nabiac, it's not too early to get this sorted.

This year has the potential to be way bigger than last year, I, for one, am really looking forward to it. Lets focus on having fun either on the bikes or 'round a camp fire talking **** ( and drinking Hansos' Honey Turkey).

I'm not shy of making donations to charities but I do a lot of that during the year with Ulysses etc.

Batemans Bay should be treated like a holiday for all of us hard working, fun loving, Rocket owning freaks.
It's an opportunity to let your hair down and go deep sea fishing or quilt making (?) if you want.
Lets get it firmed up and plan the ride there.
getting back to the original purpose of this thread !!!!!!!

Hanso do we have a firm date for Batemans Bay, have we, as a group, made a decision on accomodation and if so are we at a point where we can make a firm booking?

Fellas please don't tell me to refer to previous threads to find the answer...lets keep this on the subject matter so we don't have a repeat of Nabiac, it's not too early to get this sorted.

This year has the potential to be way bigger than last year, I, for one, am really looking forward to it. Lets focus on having fun either on the bikes or 'round a camp fire talking **** ( and drinking Hansos' Honey Turkey).

I'm not shy of making donations to charities but I do a lot of that during the year with Ulysses etc.

Batemans Bay should be treated like a holiday for all of us hard working, fun loving, Rocket owning freaks.
It's an opportunity to let your hair down and go deep sea fishing or quilt making (?) if you want.
Lets get it firmed up and plan the ride there.
Could not have said it better at this point of time seeing as there has been No obections to the date discussed which is the August fri 30, sat 31 and sunday the 1st of Sept.

There are several van parks with cabins but in my opinion only one that would really suit us with all facilities and also offered us a discount, the question is how many are going to need it, I am guessing that Richard will be staying at his relo's place I have so far got Marty and Cathy staying with us and mitch in my camper in the driveway. when I have some definant numbers I will try and work out the cost per head for friday and saturday nights feeds I am working on a little something and if it works out I am sure All will be pleased If there is something you guys want to do while your are here there are some great riding roads we also have a very nice Zoo out at Mogo, deep sea fishing could also be arranged it really depends on how long you want stay there are many options and as Al said he is making it a holiday as I did when I went to Hervey Bay.
So lets start discussing what you guys want.... and even thu it aint my idea of fun I could talk to the local Quilting shop to organise a session for you Andrew :)

Firstly An Idea of numbers attending would be good.

Also do you guys want a charity event organised if so which charity and what will we do as an a event
Thanks Hans, the date works for me...I would prefer a cabin for Fran and I, like the creature comforts these days especially after a long ride.
As soon as we get a majority interested I'll make a booking.

Personally I can do without a charity event for that weekend. I do a lot with Endeavour Foundation through our local Ulysses branch and also support Camp Quality as my eldest daughter runs a major fund raiser each year in Newcastle.

But if something is arranged I will 100% support it.
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Thanks Hans, the date works for me...I would prefer a cabin for Fran and I, like the creature comforts these days especially after a long ride.
As soon as we get a majority interested I'll make a booking.

Personally I can do without a charity event for that weekend. I do a lot with Endeavour Foundation through our local Ulysses branch and also support Camp Quality as my eldest daughter runs a major fund raiser each year in Newcastle.

But if something is arranged I will 100% support it.

I agree 100% there with you Al and by the way the park I am talking about went thru a major remodelling about 8 year ago and has all mod cons including two large camp kitchen areas one of which we would be welcome to use the park is on the edge of the water and there is usually a jet ski hire guy there and if not i will organise with him if there is enough interest, decent fishing of the beach for flathead
Hans I'll be staying with my brother at the bay ,just got to work in with work as to when to

ride down. I'll be heading down your way in a couple of hours may be we could catch up at that nice little cafe tomorrow morning if that suits ya
I thought I better get on here and let everyone know that I won't be able to make Batemans Bay. I only get weekends off and being 16 or 17 hours each way that don't leave much time for anything but riding. Will get there one day to have a coffee with the old bloke who was on crutches at Hervey Bay. Mabey later in the year. I have cousins in Batemans Bay. The Inness's I think that's how you spell there name they own the Boat House seafood joint and a boat that takes cruises up the Clyde river. There family were tuna fishermen in days gone bye. My parents get down there atleast once a year in there motor home to see them. It's on my to do list.
I'm a starter, its in my diary for 31 August - 2 September

Happy to have a cabin.

I'm happy to do whatever people want, as long as it includes a ride somewhere away from the highway (and some quilting).
I thought I better get on here and let everyone know that I won't be able to make Batemans Bay. I only get weekends off and being 16 or 17 hours each way that don't leave much time for anything but riding. Will get there one day to have a coffee with the old bloke who was on crutches at Hervey Bay. Mabey later in the year. I have cousins in Batemans Bay. The Inness's I think that's how you spell there name they own the Boat House seafood joint and a boat that takes cruises up the Clyde river. There family were tuna fishermen in days gone bye. My parents get down there atleast once a year in there motor home to see them. It's on my to do list.
That is a shame Bruce, if don't you get holidays I'm guessing you must work for your self, but I will look forward to you getting down here at some stage.
Know the some of the Innes's quite well and that would be our famous "Innes Boatshed" very nice people and thats another thing we could do if any want to and that is take thier lunchtime criuise up the Clyde river on the "Merinda"
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