I hope you can maintain it, I was a very fit 87 - 90kg and super fit riding over a thousand km's a week on my Mtn Bike and doing competion Wave Ski up until I was 38 but at 33 I was diagnosed with Sarcoidousis (Auto Immune system attacking the healthy cells turning them into scare tissue and is most common in the lungs but can attack other parts of the body eg eyesight, kidneys etc) which effectively halved the amount of Oxygen my lungs could absorb which lead to me over stressing the heart eventually I had to stop racing or risk Heart problems. the treatment for the Sarcoidousis is Presedalome a cortisone based drug which bloats you and causes weight gain unfortunately
So stay healthy and fit as long as you can!!!!
I still ride both my Mtn and road bikes and paddle my siton sea kayak as often as possible but cant shift the weight.... that and I ain't getting any younger