RDU 2012 Wrap Up!!!

Congrats and good on you Aussies getting this RDU done and by accounts and indications doing it very right! Truthfully, I'm more than a bit jealous and frustrated that I couldn't very easily have joined in the fun, festivities and fraternizing.

Just one thing , though, and please correct me if I am wrong, but I have always been under the impression that Hanso either is or should be medicated at all times!:D Just bustin' your stones Hans - no need to go postal(er) on me!:p

For the benefit of non-American English speakers: Urban Dictionary: going postal
Congrats and good on you Aussies getting this RDU done and by accounts and indications doing it very right! Truthfully, I'm more than a bit jealous and frustrated that I couldn't very easily have joined in the fun, festivities and fraternizing.

Just one thing , though, and please correct me if I am wrong, but I have always been under the impression that Hanso either is or should be medicated at all times!:D Just bustin' your stones Hans - no need to go postal(er) on me!:p

For the benefit of non-American English speakers: Urban Dictionary: going postal
you must have me mistaken with someone else :flame::kick::kk:
Couple of pics ... Marty's famous welcoming speech. Donny spraying Gary with seafood sauce during his prawn frenzy and Bubz doing his best to demolish the prawn stocks at Hervey Bay :D

Ahhh,, seeing that pic makes me miss Bubz...had such a laugh..common BUBZ, get your arse down to melbourne so we can hang it on each other and have another laugh!
just caught up on the thread guys.
Seems like everyone had a great time,
even Hans after the meds.;)
a couple of things,,,,,
I didn't see a lot of red motorcycles in the pics,,
what was the darkside count?
seems like a noticed a RDU patch or two in one of the pics.
Anybody get an extra one they'd sell me?
I won't wear it, beings I didn't ride to the event,
but I'll dang sure hang it on the wall with my other Triumph patchs
in a prominent setting (right beside our RAA patches).
Didn't notice much alcohol in the pics,
don't you Aussie boys drink after a good ride?
Sittin around the campfire telling Rocket tales is one of the best parts.
Well, just wanted to give ya'll a hard time.
glad everybody had a good time, made it there, and safely back home.
BTW, how much did ya'll raise for the make a wish kid?
Only one car tyre as far as i know .. on Hanso's bike. Red bikes have never really caught on down here ... think there were two. Alcohol was consumed believe you me .. Ponters was responsible for much of the scullduggery, but no-one got hammered or made a fool of themselves. Sure Marty will have a spare patch he can send to you. We raised $3,300 for The Make A Wish Foundation( there never was just one sick kid) we were able to donate $500 to a single mother who's son had just suicided , to assist her with the costs of funeral.
Just had to translate one of your posts ponters and I'm not sure you are the kind of person I would want anywhere near Viv.. You kiss your wife with that mouth ?:D

And skip I have a red bike (very pretty if you ask some) and I was very much the minority...
Sooo much BLACK they all looked the same to me and 1 other black bike owner .
Who will remain nameless you know who you are..
True story he was busted walking towards his bike only to find on closer inspection it was not his. Haha.
Just had to translate one of your posts ponters and I'm not sure you are the kind of person I would want anywhere near Viv.. You kiss your wife with that mouth ?:D

And skip I have a red bike (very pretty if you ask some) and I was very much the minority...
Sooo much BLACK they all looked the same to me and 1 other black bike owner .
Who will remain nameless you know who you are..
True story he was busted walking towards his bike only to find on closer inspection it was not his. Haha.
My bike was not at the show due to my knee,:mad::rolleyes: I had a chuckle when I mentioned to one black bike owner how funny it would be if due to an emergency we all had to leave in a hurry can you imagine how many guys would have gone to the wrong bike...:eek:....... well at time it was a funny thought or was just the painkillers.. mmmm makes you think though
Only one car tyre as far as i know .. on Hanso's bike. Red bikes have never really caught on down here ... think there were two. Alcohol was consumed believe you me .. Ponters was responsible for much of the scullduggery, but no-one got hammered or made a fool of themselves. Sure Marty will have a spare patch he can send to you. We raised $3,300 for The Make A Wish Foundation( there never was just one sick kid) we were able to donate $500 to a single mother who's son had just suicided , to assist her with the costs of funeral.

Great effort with the fundraising guys. Congrats!