RDU 2012 Wrap Up!!!

Your welcome Peter, let us know next time your heading to Tincan Bay, the Mrs and will come for a ride and have a few beers at the local.
Malcy and I will be heading off from Tenterfield shortly, parting company somewhere around Muswellbrook or Bathurst. Aiming to do 1,000km so hopefully the rain will stay away. Think Malcy will be posting a pic shortly.
Malcy and I will be heading off from Tenterfield shortly, parting company somewhere around Muswellbrook or Bathurst. Aiming to do 1,000km so hopefully the rain will stay away. Think Malcy will be posting a pic shortly.

Safe roads fellas .. like i said it was great to have the opportunity to do some miles with both of you. Like Ponters , if we lived closer im sure we'd be regular riding companions . Enjoy the ride today.
Malcy and I will be heading off from Tenterfield shortly, parting company somewhere around Muswellbrook or Bathurst. Aiming to do 1,000km so hopefully the rain will stay away. Think Malcy will be posting a pic shortly.

Was great meeting you all ride safe and ill cya next time.

PS hey Richard just whip that coffie maker over to my house before ya depart mate i need a coffee . Its only a few hours out of the way
Sorry mate, just packed it. Much as I'd love to backtrack a couple of hundred k's I think Malcy and I will keep heading south.

Gray Bubz,went looking for you to say farewell but I missed ya. Was great fun meeting you both. Viv's a #1 lady, and Rox, really appreciated her advice with which bike etc. As far as appology, mate, I'm so sorry ....... that I missed out on giving you more stick!! LOL.

Chat soon mate
Good catching up again Kim and good to have met you Bubz and Pete K.
Oops gotta go now So see you later somewhere guy's.