RDU 2012 Wrap Up!!!

Hanso!!! One Happy camper!!!!!! When drugged!!!!!!:eek:

Well I survived the weekend...lol. A BIG thanks to everyone that came, I know a few of you traveled quite a few Kms to get here but it was great to finally put names to faces. There will no doubt be plenty of pics getting put up. Heres one from Friday night BBQ and Hanso(hoppy) and Ann. :D

Who is that kneeled down up front? He looks like he waiting for the cops to show up.:p
Sounds like you blokes have had a great week. I'm really sorry I couldn't make it, but touring around Europe is a good second best! I'll report on my findings about Rockets in Tokyo, Paris, scotland and Italy soon. Netherlands and Thailand to follow! Ride home safely boys, Hanso you're too old to be pulling wheelies!