just caught up on the thread guys.
Seems like everyone had a great time,
even Hans after the meds.
a couple of things,,,,,
I didn't see a lot of red motorcycles in the pics,,
what was the darkside count?
seems like a noticed a RDU patch or two in one of the pics.
Anybody get an extra one they'd sell me?
I won't wear it, beings I didn't ride to the event,
but I'll dang sure hang it on the wall with my other Triumph patchs
in a prominent setting (right beside our RAA patches).
Didn't notice much alcohol in the pics,
don't you Aussie boys drink after a good ride?
Sittin around the campfire telling Rocket tales is one of the best parts.
Well, just wanted to give ya'll a hard time.
glad everybody had a good time, made it there, and safely back home.
BTW, how much did ya'll raise for the
make a wish kid?