Rant...**** Prius driver

Trying to pull out of McD's driveway on the way to work this morning in my SUV. I was right behind a person who WOULD NOT PULL OUT into traffic.......... I swear it felt like I waited 5 minutes on this guy, he was obviously scared to death to pull out because he knew he had no holeshot ability & I don't mean he wouldn't pull out into oncoming traffic like a lot of ASSHATS Do... he literally waited till there was no cars in sight before he crept out into the lane................ He was driving a Prius :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I wanted to run over him but I just got a fresh speeding ticket Saturday so I gotta keep my fines to a minimum.
Hey, don't hate the messenger. Juss stating the facts
I guess what I'm trying to say is there are asshats that drive all types of vehicles...I've actually had more problems with people driving SUVs than I have with Prius drivers...

Agreed, and the more expensive the SUV the worse. Generally, driver rudeness and entitlement is directly proportional to the cost of the vehicle.
Mr. Toro

I never said the word "Gay" I said Tree Huggers and Queers......Please do not miss quote me.

I guess by not correcting me about where you are .....I must have been right. Bless you my friend.

Man you sure do not know me.....Never been a bully, I despise bully's from the first grade until old age. Me I an a quiet ol' man with not much to say out in the real world. Most times I am a shy person around people I do not know.
As for sexual preference I could care less, racial the same way. I have always had to many problems to worry about what others are doing.

Now, I will tell you that I am opinionated .....I hate the French, Red Cross and asparagus.
You hate the French....Really? Random. I resemble that remark...Am French, LOVE the French way. Was born over there (on a USAF base) Mom is French. Now, I "strongly dislike" the Taliban and ISIL but really am ok with the French :)
Here is a picture to get out of your head... The front of a Prius hood looks like a pubic bump.
That goes with the fact that so many of Prius drivers are d**ks and c**ts.
Next time you see a Prius now you will suffer with me...
Sorry, its how my mind works...Another one.... The chrome RAM looks like a Mickey Mouse head from a distance...you will see.
Your welcome!
Here is a picture to get out of your head... The front of a Prius hood looks like a pubic bump.
That goes with the fact that so many of Prius drivers are d**ks and c**ts.
Next time you see a Prius now you will suffer with me...
Sorry, its how my mind works...Another one.... The chrome RAM looks like a Mickey Mouse head from a distance...you will see.
Your welcome!
