Rant...**** Prius driver

I know a couple that owns a Prius. It's the wife's car with a Obama sticker on the rear bumper. See where this is going. :D
She has wrecked the car numerous times by running into other vehicles and so forth. Her husband said that she never wrecked her gas sucking other beater she had. I was standing there looking at the car talking to him and the rear bumper had a scratch on the side of it.
The whiners are just jealous because these are four wheel vehicles, with air conditioning and a decent sound system, and relatively large cargo capacity, that get 50% better gas mileage their favorite motorcycles.

So ... they blame the tree huggers, who I guess must be people who actually care about polluting. And they stereotype the people who choose ecologically responsible vehicles. And they call the folks they don't like "gay." As though they were 5th grade level bullies.

blah blah blah let me guess you get all up tight about trump 2016 "chalkings" on campus too. you know what's ecologically responsible... walking.. oh wait al gore says co2 will destroy the planet... best not exhale.

El Toro took me serious................

I am so sorry....I was just goofing around.............I swear to The Good Lord I was.

I was just picking on the Prius....Hell I do not remember how the Prius conversation started.

We also pick on the Harley M/C....but I am sure that most on this forum has had one .

El Toro asked who I was.....I am just an old man that has 2 M/C and can not ride them because my hips and legs hurt so bad. I stayed away from this forum because it made me miss riding but the great guys I have met here....I missed more

Any of you guys that has ever met me Knows I am full of BS from the word go! There is not a mean bone in my body

I am truly sorry if I in anyway offended anyone

I took no offense; I don't hold tree huggers and queers in high regard, either! :p
The whiners are just jealous because these are four wheel vehicles, with air conditioning and a decent sound system, and relatively large cargo capacity, that get 50% better gas mileage their favorite motorcycles.

So ... they blame the tree huggers, who I guess must be people who actually care about polluting. And they stereotype the people who choose ecologically responsible vehicles. And they call the folks they don't like "gay." As though they were 5th grade level bullies.

Well, here let's break that down, jealous of 4 wheels ... Never, it's the moron mode of transport.

Air conditioning... Mine works better, it's called the throttle.

Cargo... Well im a professional not a trucker, so, w/e if I need to move I'll rent a uhaul.

50% better mileage ... Somebody needs to learn to math. If I ride the rocket for mileage I have zero issues clearing 45mpg when tuned for power. If I were to actually tune it for mileage, I could easily improve that by about 10%, so your 50mpg suddenly is 0.5mpg better than the rocket...lol

On the other hand, the rocket gets 25 mpg when I'm riding as an ass, as is normal. The Prius gets 16 driving it hard, so which is better now?

Personally I see nothing wrong with trying help the environment, or being gay, and I don't equate the two, BUT, the Prius ISNT any better for the environment than my rocket is, flat out. Go research the worlds most deadly lake, the worlds most contaminated country, and the manufacturing by-products that go into making huge LiON cells used in hybrids. It is not sustainable, it is not reusable, and it creates worn out batteries that fester as refined toxic sources for many years after being removed from service. The sources of the fine earth metals are very limited and in most cases, can only be mined using the most damaging methods of extraction.

The reality is, the Prius is just another method of cleaning up the Western world while offloading the environmental burden into China, as are many other modern devices. I can live with that, but most people, when faced with the reality, get angry at being accused of being bound to a caste system that places China at the bottom, in the role of nearly slave labor.

THAT, coupled with the fact that the Prius is a ****e car that gets ****e mileage when compared to a properly built and tuned turbo 4 cylinder motor, is why I immediately put prius champions in the "too dumb to take seriously my" category.

My custom built turbo Dodge 2.0 420a motor got 55mpg, made 400hp, and passed a smog test with no SAI, CAT, or evap canister on a California smog check. So where is the auto industry answer to that?!

You want a real environmentally responsible vehicle? Buy a bycicle or a hydrogen fuel cell car, anything short of those is just a comfort blanket for the gullible or ignorant.
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It was clear when we purchased our Prius it wasn't sustainable, and was a novelty item. It was subsidized by the taxpayers -- I never would have touched it otherwise. The complexity of the amazing transmission that could take two sources of power and send that energy to the wheels, and then permit energy to flow back the other way for charging, is really amazing. Is it an eco thing ? I don't think so. It's been clear for a long time, that the battery by itself, or the engine by itself is better than a hybrid. Sure there are situations where it makes sense, such as the hybrid buses in Seattle where they help reduce smog down town.

But this thread was about the drivers (or a significant proportion -- even if they are a minority) attracted to those cars, and if weren't a Prius, they'd be driving something else, and I have a far far higher irritation factor with person waiting first or near the front of the line at a light, and when it changes they just sit there oblivious, until someone honks (hoping the person doesn't jump out with a gun), and the driver suddenly jumps off through the yellow light, leaving the rest of the line to wait for another cycle.

And before we condemn four wheels, I'll bet most of us were totally dependent before we were allowed to drive . . .

But then, putting my money where my mouth is, we did insist both our girls obtain their motorcycle license before being allowed to drive a car.
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the owners on his phone in his right hand, can see it through the window.
Fortunately, they have started changes the laws here for cellphones. $400-$1000 fine, 3 demerit points off license, license suspensions for new drivers in the graduated license program. If they endanger others and are convicted, larger fines, 6 demerit points, 2 year license suspension and possible jail time. Its slowly getting better, but still way too many people using them. Police however, are exempt while using their computers, they can be just as bad.
I nominate this as this site's Dumbest Thread Ever:thumbsup:.

BTW, WTF is wrong with asparagus aside from it making your pee smell like a fermenting skunk carcass?