Rant...**** Prius driver

its a lot more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow.

Harry, congratulations. These are the only comments in this entire thread that I actually agree with or relate to. Same applies to bikes too!
Trying to pull out of McD's driveway on the way to work this morning in my SUV. I was right behind a person who WOULD NOT PULL OUT into traffic.......... I swear it felt like I waited 5 minutes on this guy, he was obviously scared to death to pull out because he knew he had no holeshot ability & I don't mean he wouldn't pull out into oncoming traffic like a lot of ASSHATS Do... he literally waited till there was no cars in sight before he crept out into the lane................ He was driving a Prius
I wanted to run over him but I just got a fresh speeding ticket Saturday so I gotta keep my fines to a minimum.
Hey, don't hate the messenger. Juss stating the facts
I guess what I'm trying to say is there are asshats that drive all types of vehicles...I've actually had more problems with people driving SUVs than I have with Prius drivers...

Agreed, and the more expensive the SUV the worse. Generally, driver rudeness and entitlement is directly proportional to the cost of the vehicle.
You hate the French....Really? Random. I resemble that remark...Am French, LOVE the French way. Was born over there (on a USAF base) Mom is French. Now, I "strongly dislike" the Taliban and ISIL but really am ok with the French
Here is a picture to get out of your head... The front of a Prius hood looks like a pubic bump.
That goes with the fact that so many of Prius drivers are d**ks and c**ts.
Next time you see a Prius now you will suffer with me...
Sorry, its how my mind works...Another one.... The chrome RAM looks like a Mickey Mouse head from a distance...you will see.
Your welcome!