Ramair /induction noise ?

Now that a few Owners are running the Ramair just wondering if the induction noise (chirping) is like the underclaw K&N filters. Anyone actually swapped from the K&N set-up to Ramair .. what do you reckon ?
TC - Much less than triple K&N underclaws. The triple K&N was so annoying I took them off. The Ramair is staying right where it is.
A bit hard to tell with the wind noise. I'd say it sounds the same as mine, louder than the CES pipe but only when the throttle bodies are wide open. I quite like the induction noise, certainly not annoying. I was going to try an Ozclaw with sound deadening in it to minimise the noise but the don't fit over the Ramair. The stock claw pushes against the back end of the Ramair.
I was going to try an Ozclaw with sound deadening in it to minimise the noise but the don't fit over the Ramair. The stock claw pushes against the back end of the Ramair.
Still fits and works - I'm running an OZCLAW over the RAMAIR with no problems at all. She'll be rite.
Still fits and works - I'm running an OZCLAW over the RAMAIR with no problems at all. She'll be rite.
With sound deadening? To get one over the Ramair on mine I would have had to crush the wire cage inside the filter and I didn't want to do that.
Instead of sound deadening lining, why not try a rubber strip to seal along the gap between the tank and top edge. Might block it enough.

I am happy to hear that is the sound I should be expecting. It was a bit disconcerting when I first rode the bike after fitting and hearing the substantial difference in sound. I quite enjoy the sound at higher RPMs, but am still on the fence at slower engine speeds.
One other thing you guys might try...over here you can buy a rubberize paint in a rattle can that folks use as bed liner in their trucks. While it's not a sound deadening material, it does damp noise down quite a bit...and cheap. I use it when I rejuvenate old Chevy trucks on the floor pan and fire wall to reduce road noise
Instead of sound deadening lining, why not try a rubber strip to seal along the gap between the tank and top edge. Might block it enough.
Already comes with one.
With sound deadening? To get one over the Ramair on mine I would have had to crush the wire cage inside the filter and I didn't want to do that.
Really? - Mine just squished the foam a wee bit on one corner.
Tried that on the original Triumph claw - no effect. Also tried the sound mats they use for soundproofing cars. - Nope. I've not tried the Ozclaw without soundproofing- But my guess is it wont make a HUGE difference.
How does one get rid of the crickets?