RAMAIR Filters bespoke Rocket-3 underclaw filter.

My local shop does have a dyno and they've done work on Rockets so I may well wind up there before all's said and done.Thanks.
Can anyone recommend a dyno-guy in the Sydney/Newcastle area who has Rocket/TuneECU experience? The lists I have found online are a few years old now I think.
Craig.... if I remember right you are stock except for the Ramair? how did it feel have you taken her for a ride yet
Craig.... if I remember right you are stock except for the Ramair?

TOR and RamAir.

?... how did it feel have you taken her for a ride yet

No, no ride yet. Still a few cats and dogs landing on the roof. The weather map looks like the weather is clearing. A ride is the first item on the ToDo list as soon as I have dry road and the peak-hour traffic thins out. I'm not keen to test the Rocket's power on a wet track.
I mentioned taking to dyno guy as there may be some areas in the revs/throttle areas that will require a tweak here and there but the 5% will asure you that you are not lean you can play with a bit more but if you start to notice raw fuel smell when you slow down or if mates following notice the fuel smell or excessive black (fuel) smoke when you gun it you have gone to rich.

A while back I helped a Victorian member with a straight thru exhaust make it safe to ride till he could get it to a dyno, he got back to me saying the dyno guy said we were pretty close only minor tweaks were needed, I only ever use my butt dyno but I also listen to the motor or more importantly the induction noise, it is how I used to tune Bikes and cars before we had all the electronic gadgetry and ECU's etc

I am happy to as I did with him send adjust and resend your tune back and forth it took 3 or 4 adjustments with him giving me feed back of what he could hear and feel
TOR and RamAir.

No, no ride yet. Still a few cats and dogs landing on the roof. The weather map looks like the weather is clearing. A ride is the first item on the ToDo list as soon as I have dry road and the peak-hour traffic thins out. I'm not keen to test the Rocket's power on a wet track.
yeah it's backed of to just kittens here, Craig I did only 5% on your as I thought you had Std exhaust if I were you I would add another 5% if you like unless you would prefer me to, it will take me 10 seconds to do
I just put the revised tune in the "drop box" but cant remember how to use the the dam thing from there Grrrrrr will the link I sent you last time open it for you
Do you happen to have a part number? I've searched "NLR" with no results. Also, did you clamp/zip tie these directly to the throttle bodies, or is there a velocity stack hidden under the filter. This I.D. and length dimensions would help as well (if you know them.) Thanks
PM Nevelle Lush about the Unifiter's his on this forum he can probable sent them out to you if your interred to buy them ,I'll look my receipt for the part number tonight ,I use reliable zip ties's nev can send u all the parts
The unifilters in the pic above work very well. Bit messy to maintain.They fit over the stock velocity stack and are fastened with a reusable cable tie. They are cheap. I carry them and the RAMAIR for those who want filters under the bearclaw. America must be the land of clean. There is no fu$king way in hell I would send a customers bike out on THE STREET without a filter. Drag racing why not, 600 passes is under two hours engine time and about five years racing about here. On the road, motor would be screwed in no time. I remember when the ZX12R kawasakis first came out, their little open foam style panel filters would let the dirt in thru. 15000kms and the back of the inlet valves were like shot blasted and the motors fumy. We would put new K&N's in straight away to stop that. Bottom line is do what you want to your own bike, as you're the guy picking up the bill.
yeah it's backed of to just kittens here, Craig I did only 5% on your as I thought you had Std exhaust if I were you I would add another 5% if you like unless you would prefer me to, it will take me 10 seconds to do

Just got to do a quick drive down to the shop to get a replacement radiator cap. The bike purged itself yesterday after the 12 minute tune. Did some googling last night, and then a check of the radiator cap this morning. The rubber on the inside of the cap is split.