RamAir filter for Touring model ?

The stock part is apparently very restrictive and I'd like a freer flowing setup. There is one available for the Roadster that is also a cat in the muffler type.

Yeah, examining the stock part you can see how the flow is split between the two pipes causing two 180 degree turns before exiting one side. That said, I'd think the cats create more restriction than the box. But, if you want to keep the cats for their emissions properties I can see how a crossover might give a marginal gain.

I bet if you pulled the stock part off and took it to a muffler shop they could fashion a straight through replacement. Right sized pipe, a few bends and you'd be in business.
Do you have any photos of the touring with the bear claw on? Any clearance problems. You previously posted ease of install. Any problems since install? fuel mileage change not directly related to wrist twist?

Plenty of room no problem at all with the Bear Claw.
Fuel mileage dropped to 280 - 300kms ( 190 miles ) sitting on 110kph ( 70mph ). But it will depend on how rich or lean it is set when you get it dyno'd.
I knew that, I just want an aftermarket crossover for mine, haven't found one stateside. If you know of one, many thanks!

I bought one off ebay but I have heard guys take the cat to the local exhaust shop and get them made a lot cheaper.
Good price on TORs, are the touring ones different? Best price I can get on the Roadster TORs are $630
Good price on TORs, are the touring ones different? Best price I can get on the Roadster TORs are $630

Part Number A9608090. Make sure the gaskets are supplied with them, I know some dealers separate them and charge an extra $30. Mine came from your town, Peter Stevens Adelaide, the complete kit $395 + freight. I buy from them because they are great to deal with, even though they are at the opposite end of the country.

Cat bypass - http://stores.ebay.com.au/motorcycle-exhaust-professionals
Forgot to mention - Roadster bypass is also available on the exhaust professionals web site. The part number I provided is for TOURING tor kit NOT ROADSTER.
Forgot to mention - Roadster bypass is also available on the exhaust professionals web site. The part number I provided is for TOURING tor kit NOT ROADSTER.
Yes I have the Roadster, when I went to the Triumph Australia site I realised that the TORS are different part numbers for the touring pipes, hence the price dif. Do you have a web address for the exhaust professionals site (did a google search and would take forever to find the one you are talking about)