Ramair filter arrived yesterday....

i have any fancy trick mold work inside ?
Well it sort of does - but tbh that photo does not really show it.

1) The inlet is radiused (bellmouth) - all the articles I've found/seen say this alone will improve airflow a lot.
2) The ID of the hole the air goes through is the same(ish) I/D as the Throttle Body I/D.

The triple K&N have no radius and the air intially flows at Throttle body O/D (63mmish) then hits a step . This interrupts airflow.

How much difference is what we're waiting for Wayne and Nev to tell us.

I have seen backplates Wayne made and they have similar radius edged holes.
The radiused entries on the RamAir filters is roughly a touch smaller than 1/4 of the opening diameter. For best flow, R=1/2 D works best. ;)

You are right of course but the thickness of the foam made it a bit tight to get a bigger rad in. All in all though any radius is better than none, wouldn't you say?
Many of the K&N filters do have a little velocity stack in them, pretty sure the 4040's do. This is partly why folk notice a difference in performance. I will post test results of ramair filters soon. Cheers Nev

Yes and Carpenter runs his builds on the dyno without filters but WITH velocity stacks. We'll see what Nev says about these Ramair items. I have my preconceived doubts about the lack of these velocity stacks as well as the absence of a real intake plenum. Why don't we just leave the intakes open without stacks which is, basically, what the Ramair does with a little foam between.
The proof will be in the pudding (putting)..I never know which, but I am suspending judgment until the dyno results are in. We all should suspend judgment until we have the facts!
I must say that I so hope this simple approach works perfectly and am certainly rooting for its success....almost no intake resistance, low profile and air filtration at the same time! FABULOUS! :RockOn:
Further to the useage/tseting I have had on this filter already, a trade customer of mine fitted a piston/cam combo of mine which normally does 203- 205 HP rw with RU1770's and Reband exh to a guys bike. It did a neat 200rw with the RAMAIR. To me this is a very good result, all fits under the bearclaw etc like quite a few folks want and only 3-4hp less than the big triples. So the RAMAIR does what it claims.


Now that those of you have some miles on the Ramair filter, what are your thoughts? Any issues or something you would do different? How is the crank case filter working, any oil residue on the engine?

The reason I'm asking is because after 80,000 I've decided to get a set of TOR's. If they ever get here it only makes sense to let the engine breath. My concerns are riding in heavy rain or dusty Arizona conditions and the crank case breather. It makes sense to me to have another hole similar tot he ATS that could be used for the crank breather.

Any information, thoughs or opinion