Ramair filter arrived yesterday....

Just guessing from memory of past posts here and on .net, not a huge increase. Like 6 hp over triple K&Ns?
Engine intake needs cool air. The stock OEM ducting/plenum affords that. Gutting out all of the OEM ducting/plenum and installing:

1. Triple K&N's without Bear Claw or trimmed Bear Claw = more propensity for cooler ambient air
2. Ramair filter under intact Bear Claw = less propensity for cooler ambient air.

Just my humble opinion. There are so many ways to slice this onion....
Thank you for the replies. Performance is second for me as long as I can stay in front of the harleys. I was looking for cooler air to feed thru the engine and out the TOR's. Also looking for information regarding riding in heavy rain as well as how often they need cleaning. Being in Arizona we have our share of dust and dirt. If and when it rains, I still ride.

Thanks again.
So the only advantage is retaining stock look and feel.

As for performance in rain, the K&Ns have no problem with heavy rain, but the Outerwear covers make that even better.
The Ramair foam is treated with a sticky goo that also blocks water, I suspect.