Radiator protectors UK coming soon

**** nice and clean looking piece!
Fine work to be sure.
Is it available in chrome?
How much to the US?
**** nice and clean looking piece!
Fine work to be sure.
Is it available in chrome?
How much to the US?
Just got this one from across the pond total cost $134 USD.
I don’t see how it mounts or any mounting hardware
I see. This is merely a 2d sheet with tabs.
The @hogweed screen is a 3d cover and surrounds the radiator.
A much better look IMHO.
Especially now knowing that your intent was just to add the “rocket three” to the grill and maintain that bulky plastic chrome OEM cover.
What you have done looks good. Do you is just different than what I prefer. I did not know your intent and was assuming the flat to the cover was all you were going to use.