Whew! I'm glad it worked out. I was thinking you dumped diesel on the ground or something and poor ole bull got blamed for it. :)
Whew! I'm glad it worked out. I was thinking you dumped diesel on the ground or something and poor ole bull got blamed for it. :)
They gave me a standing ovation when i showed up with the Harley running, that was a very close call for my pocket!!
Diesel in a gas tank is normally not too bad, lots of smoke new plugs and good to go. Gas in diesel tank = $$$$$$$. Have a friend who has spent almost $10,000 on his CTD pickup that his brother who borrowed it "did him a favor and gassed up" before returning it.
Diesel in a gas tank is normally not too bad, lots of smoke new plugs and good to go. Gas in diesel tank = $$$$$$$. Have a friend who has spent almost $10,000 on his CTD pickup that his brother who borrowed it "did him a favor and gassed up" before returning it.
Yes, being nice sometimes backfires big time, from now on no more Mr nice guy:D
I was with mex when it all happened just the way he said.we filled the ninja and the spider up returned them, took my r3 and lupe took sharons Harley filled them up on opposite sides when he went to hang nozzle up he noticed a drop of red fuel fell out, lupe said OH **** I think I just **** up, he sent me back to let Sharon know what was going on she camly said oh well I trust lupe 100% he will make it right. by the time I got back to lupe he had the deisel thinned gas siphoned out and was adding real gas to the bike.started it up ran good no smoke at all, bull took bike down to finish filling it up while we waited at bike shop that was right next door to mom and pop gas station, its been 15,30 minutes waiting and ol lupe getting worried (you can see it eating him up) cop car shows up across street when bull gets out and, claims he cannot get the bike started all the color runs out of lupes face(that's a lot of color remember he is the Mexican)sighs lupe **** I owe her a new bike,worse yet how is she going to finish her trip. when bull calmly says I need the key fob to start the dam* bike suddenly lupes color came back.so bull needs a ride to the gas station to get sharons Harley, me the only one with a ride there gets elected (now is a good time to bring up what hanso said about bull getting a little fuller?)so I look at bull, the room my back seat has, at bull, at the room my back seat has, which ended up me riding b*itch on my own bike rocket scientist was to fast, I tried to cover up with my jacket but he snapped a picture(hence me owing fred one)so you see there are a couple different funnies here, lupe screwing up (but in my opinion one standup guy who will make it right no matter what.be hard pressed to find a better person) me riding b*tch on my own bike(a 2007 which no one I mean no one has ever drove it except me not even a dealer mechanic for any test drive)and of course (quoting another forum member)the fatboy (sorry bull)