RAA10.5 The Hanso goes west

HansO making the "big bull" a little nervous.. It was HansOs shirt. Might as well been red.

As I watched HansO and this big bull Buffalo eyeball each other,
I stared to wonder "who'll blink first"....I know who would have sh*t first.
Ha ha and you wouldn't eh :whitstling:
Why didn't you slap the bull?
I may be crazy but not Stupid
Just recently in Wyoming some of those big bulls rammed a pickup truck in the middle of the road. Charged the truck while the truck was sitting there waiting for the Buffalo to get out of the road. They sure are good eating though. Nothin like a big old buffalo burger. Sure wish I could of met HansO. I just didn't have enough time off to make it down there but I think its really neat he is seeing and enjoying the USA. A visit to Australia is on my bucket list. My sister has been and said it was awesome. Maybe I will be blessed some day to visit. Al
Hans, you beat me to it.
But here's a few more of "Hans out west"

HansO and my wife LeAnn aka dustyrose

HansO making the "big bull" a little nervous..

As I watched HansO and this big bull Buffalo eyeball each other,
I stared to wonder "who'll blink first"....
After Hans visit, we went into town and got chicken fried steak with all the fixin's.
It was a real good visit an I'm sure glad my wife got to meet you brother,
I don't think either of us will ever forget you and the time HansO came to visit from Australia....
Love ya man, ride safe an have fun in the French Quarter of New Orleans.
oh yea, some of them ladies ain't ladies, so don't let em be pawin on ya....:eek::thumbsup:
You know what they say about them ladies that ain't ladies. ( a man knows what a man likes )
Wouldn't want one to run into him on a dark night that's for sure.

Funny you should say that. I have done exactly that. It was dark, a buffler does not reflect any light. It was when I was just a pup, riding my Yamaha 250 Catalina into the Wildlife Refuge close to home when all of a sudden there was a dark mass in front of me. I jumped on the binders, or what passed for binders back then (1970) and slammed into a young buffler broadside. He lay down in the road making a god awful grunting sound, I went over the bars, over him and landed on my back knocking the wind out of me. All I could think of was getting up and putting distance between me and the buff, I just knew when he got up he was going to be pissed and stomp me into a little greasy spot in the road. I finally could drag myself off the road and he stood up and ambled off. I dragged my broken bike to the side of the road and sat there. The handle bars were bent from my legs as I went over, the front wheel was turned sideways and bent under the engine along with the bent forks. There was fur from the buff in my brake and clutch levers. About 2 hours later a highway patrolman came by and stopped. He made a radio call and my father came out to drag me and my bike home. Trust me, you do not want to run into one of those things, they are built like a tank!!!
