The following people have rooms reserved for RAA and I haven't a clue who they are can anyone help I need to contact them to get some details. the info below is all i have to go on....

Neas William
Gravely Robert
Lueke Brian

My first name is Kenneth...
My friend from NW Tex who is coming's name is Lance Neas.... the same? However, I was thinking he was going to be at the other hotel.
First off sorry I haven't gotten on sooner .
My son inlaw is going three some serious health issues that have been taking a lot of our time .


I was told that I should go regardless so here goes.

captains name Jeff Doehling
handle rocket3jjd

city/state rosemount mn

best way to contact

number in party 1
number of bikes 1

friday cookout 1
sat 1
sun 1

I will be bringing my rocket down behind my expedition on a trailer
ya ya i know trailer queen (think what you like I DONT CARE )
back won't take thousand mile rides anymore
so if someone breaks down I will have a rig to rescue them with
I will be arriving hopefully tuesday the 15 and leaving monday or tuesday 21 or 22

Again sorry I haven't been around more but been kinda busy with family issues lately
1) Here is what I have so far if Your not on the list and should be I need to here from you ASAP. I need to start working on more rooms.

2) If There is a red question mark On you line I need that Information By Wednesday April 11th.

3) If you have a room reserved and you plan on not attending please cancel and let me know.

4) If I have your counts or information wrong please let me know ASAP so I can update.

Looks like you are missing two of the guests that are attending. Brian Lueke and Scott Luther. They are staying at the overflow hotel.
The following people have rooms reserved for RAA and I haven't a clue who they are can anyone help I need to contact them to get some details. the info below is all i have to go on....

Neas William
Gravely Robert
Lueke Brian

Steve, Brian Lueke is with me and Yankee. Other person staying in his room is Scott Luther.
Bummer, shouldn't have hit that quote button dude. Reckon some folks don't realize that I could do time. That was the end of that adventure. Sorry folks.:eek::( Enjoy your RAA hope to see you out there somewhere. No run will be made now.
Bummer, shouldn't have hit that quote button dude. Reckon some folks don't realize that I could do time. That was the end of that adventure. Sorry folks.:eek::( Enjoy your RAA hope to see you out there somewhere. No run will be made now.

Did you mean me ? Sorry if I messed up your plans, wasn't my intent. Still not sure what I did wrong but I removed the quote from the posting.