And they couldn't tell me what the alternative hotel would be.
I think I'll pass this year.

RnR, i dont want to be the one on the mike so plan on going even if you have to share a bed with Scot in Exile while he is wearing his kilt:D
Based on the information received I have the following confirmed. If you are planning on attending please send me your info asap... Information needed and example can be found in post 465.

Handle / City / State / #in Party / # Bikes
scowherd / Simpsonville / KY / 3 / 2
tdragger/ Fredericksburg / VA / 6 / 4
boogerdave / Holt / FL / 6 / 3
jduke1980 / Locust Grove / GA / 2 / 2
64herald / Selden / NY / 3 / 3
nolton / Florien / LA / 1 / 1
Hellraiser / Uncle Jesse / Irvine / KY / 2 / 1
OgreMeister / Bradford / PA / 2 / 1
lester532 / Alton / IL / 2 / 1
Jackson / Chicago / IL / 2 / 1
Rocket Scientist / Spring Lake / MI / 2 / 1

Total Confirmed 31 people 20 Bikes

Rain man/Niota/tn/2/2
Won't be eating Friday stb don't like anything that comes out of the water
Captain's Name : Ken Pritchett \\\STRIPES///
Handle : \\\STRIPES///
city/state : Denton, TX
Best way to contact :
Number In Party: 2?
Number of Bikes: 1

Number eating at Friday nights cookout : 2 (fish fry will collect donations to cover cost)
Number eating at Saturday's catered meal : 1 (Cost will be approx 15.00 a head pay in advance Menu to come)
Number eating at Sunday nights cookout : 1 (Burger and Brats - will collect donations to cover cost)

This of course is contingent upon me getting the beastie back together by then. :rolleyes: