Captain's Name : Andy Brodis (and Therese) Handle : Ogre (and T) city/state : Bradford, PA Best way to contact Number In Party: 2 Number of Bikes: 1 Number eating at Friday nights cookout : 2 Number eating at Saturday's catered meal : 2 Number eating at Sunday nights cookout : 2
volunteers for the following :
Ride Captain Sat & Sun (Fri if needed)
Door Prize Donation
Based on the information received I have the following confirmed. If you are planning on attending please send me your info asap... Information needed and example can be found in post 465.
Handle / City / State / #in Party / # Bikes
scowherd / Simpsonville / KY / 3 / 2
tdragger/ Fredericksburg / VA / 6 / 4
boogerdave / Holt / FL / 6 / 3
jduke1980 / Locust Grove / GA / 2 / 2
64herald / Selden / NY / 3 / 3
nolton / Florien / LA / 1 / 1
Hellraiser / Uncle Jesse / Irvine / KY / 2 / 1
OgreMeister / Bradford / PA / 2 / 1
lester532 / Alton / IL / 2 / 1
Jackson / Chicago / IL / 2 / 1
Rocket Scientist / Spring Lake / MI / 2 / 1
Called about reservations and found out that the hotel across the street is closed.
I wasn't comfortable making a reservation 'till I had details about a second hotel.
I'll wait until there is more info. available.
Called about reservations and found out that the hotel across the street is closed.
I wasn't comfortable making a reservation 'till I had details about a second hotel.
I'll wait until there is more info. available.
The holiday will be handling all the reservation they have several deals with lodging within walking distance from there facility .... Rooms will not be a problem but the sooner you get on the list the better your choice will be.I need the headcount information so I can plan food, rides and activities. If you don't plan on participating and want to fend for yourself that is ok also.