Raa vii

i so, so, so, agree...i hate the holidays!!!!! Especially christmas......its money, money, money...screw that, thank goodness im took sick too decorate, cook, an put up a tree this year!!!!!

It's always about the money. Everything is about the money! People will stab you in back over money, lie, steal, kill over money. I guess because everyone is in a pinch right now I have noticed it but ****! What happened to love for your fellow man? Why is everyone so thirsty for the "root of ALL Evil"?

I've seen some nice Christian people I know quit mentioning anything to others about God, going to church, getting saved. They to hell bent about getting that extra dollar, protecting the that dollar they have, screw everyone else. I want to walk up to them open my billfold and say "You want to find God? Look right here.......... this is God!!!"

And I've seen jealousy on the rise of what others have and they try to destroy the good fortune of others.

I have a few other reasons why Im pissed but Im not going to go into that.

Sorry for rant Sorry for using the Christians as example but it's what I have seen lately and its the truth.

I couldn't agree more. If one thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the fence then for the love of all things sacred don't tell anyone because in reality all that person is doing is broadcasting their inability to fertilize the grass on their side of the fence.
That is true about money.The world is not like it used to be when we were younger.Neighbors helped each other and never once asked for payment. All of our friends are like us.We are more than happy to help anyone anyway we can and never expect payment. Every person has some sort of tallent and I believe we can all help each other and never have to think about exchanging a dollar