RAA Texas Headcount

Sorry to hear that...we'll see you at the next one
Holy crap!!
At this drop rate will be only you and me R3Tex!!!
No problem, more food for us!!
Nah...we got a few intrepid members showing up. We will have a good time..guaranteed.
As of Sept 6th, my cabin was available and Frio Pecan Farm asked me to let y'all know there were still several cabins available...

I just cancelled my reservation and Frio Pecan Farm told me to let y'all know there are still several cabins available. I MAY still try and make it up there for a day trip.
Found the thread with the info. Does anyone know if they still have room at the inn ?

We will make room for ya Fred. The rooms certainly are not as affordable as the Holiday. You may find it more appealing to share. I think ours has two bedrooms. No one has indicated a desire to inhabit it yet. Regardless, there is a couch. We will make it work so head on down. It will be good to see you.

I am excited because at this point I feel so much better than I did at the last RAA. Hope you are making improvements too.
