Cancelling my RAA Texas Reservations

It is with MUCH regret that I am going to have to cancel my reservations for RAA Texas. My wife is having medical issues and I will probably need to be here for her for a while. I hate it being so close and yet so far. But, shoot, I may not even have my bike together by then.. lol I have ordered the parts I need though.
It is with MUCH regret that I am going to have to cancel my reservations for RAA Texas. My wife is having medical issues and I will probably need to be here for her for a while. I hate it being so close and yet so far. But, shoot, I may not even have my bike together by then.. lol I have ordered the parts I need though.
What??:eek: Hope your wife gets better and your parts get there, there is always the next RAA:)
It is with MUCH regret that I am going to have to cancel my reservations for RAA Texas. My wife is having medical issues and I will probably need to be here for her for a while. I hate it being so close and yet so far. But, shoot, I may not even have my bike together by then.. lol I have ordered the parts I need though.

That's a bummer...if something changes last minute let me know. I'm sure we can find somewhere to squeeze you in and a crust of bread or two :D
That's a bummer...if something changes last minute let me know. I'm sure we can find somewhere to squeeze you in and a crust of bread or two :D

Morris, Oscar and his wife would like to attend if there is still room,,
No he going to try and book a cabin or bunk in with you? If he has a problem finding a bed let me know.
No he going to try and book a cabin or bunk in with you? If he has a problem finding a bed let me know.

He needs a place to stay, he asked me if in tge worse case he can camp there, i say i would ask, are there any cabins available? And if so, can you get me a number to give him?
I haven't talked to them in the last few days so I don't know what is still available. Last time I talked to them there was still plenty of room. All contact information is in post #1 on this thread. Tell him to make sure he follows the directions in post #1. I do however happen to know where there may be an as yet unclaimed bed so worst case he will have a camping required. Have him contact them and see what is left and then let me know. He is already on this list for groceries :D
I just cancelled my reservation and Frio Pecan Farm told me to let y'all know there are still several cabins available. I MAY still try and make it up there for a day trip.