RKTNMYPKT, Sorry to hear this and hope things are still OK for our hook up next week, Amigo. I be working frantically in order to get outta here on Monday and shall contact you as to my progress as I get closer. 1olbull
Olbulls have rather "large rockets" as well. It should be a match made in Nirvana.
Lupe, if you have not been to Alice's Restaurant and ridden the AWESOME roadways of the area, you are missing out - BIG TIME!
When I was there years ago, they had something called the Century Club. It was a circuit that started and ended at Alice's. If you could average a hundred miles per hour over the 2nd and 3rd gear twisties and interspersed straights you were awarded a special pin. I forget how long the course was - perhaps 20 or 25 miles. I was riding my 1986 GPZ 900 Ninja at the time. It was a great experience and one I shall not forget. I can't wait to revisit the area on Bruiser - albeit a little older and a little slower. :soapbox:
Ken, you are a good man,
I remember when i was riding the little ninja, was 10pm, the weather was iffy and i had to ride 5 hours to get home, you offered for me to drive your car back home to stay safe,, details like that my friend are never forgotten, my hat is off to you Sir!!
Thanks so much for the offer. If all else fails, I may be able to borrow a '01 Bonneville for the weekend from a buddy. I really want to buy that bike, but he don't want to sell it .. lol
I hope to have my R3 Standard out of the shop by then with all the bugs worked out with the SC install. So, that being the case, I'll have an extra R3R or a Valkyrie available. But no, the Standard probably won't leave my cheeks for a while being it has taken so long to get it augmented. Too much, too long of a story to tell it here. Wait till we get to the Sisters.